(AlekGallo) The beginnings of a simple visualization into an assortment of financial calculations using simple JavaScript
Java Web Services Tutorial: Improve App Communication And Flexibility
(Eugen Paraschiv) Web services have taken the development world by storm, especially in recent years as they’ve become more and more widely adopted. There are naturally many reasons for this, but first, let’s understand what exactly a web service is.
How To Perform CRUD Operation Using JSON File With Sorting And Paging In Angular – Part One
(Mithilesh Kumar) Today, in this article, we will learn how to perform CRUD operation with paging, sorting, validation, and also using file upload control, and then, how to retrieve the records from JSON file. Also, we will perform bulk delete operation using checkbox.
Representing Information Models as RDF and OWL Vocabularies
(Gerd Wagner) How to represent information models as RDF and OWL vocabularies, and how to embed simple meta-data statements (annotations) in web documents.
IoT With HTML5 Game Engine And Node.JS
(Yusuf Karatoprak) In this article, I will tell you how to use node.js as a bridge between an HTML 5 game and IoT by using Johnnyfive.io and Phaser.io. There are a lot of samples on the internet about Arduino and its features.
XML tables with C++
(HoshiKata) How to use C++ to write XML files that can be consumed by OpenOffice or Excel as spread sheets..
A JDeps Primer – Analyzing Your Project’s Dependencies
(Nicolai Parlog) JDeps is the Java Dependency Analysis Tool, a command line tool that processes Java bytecode, meaning .class files or the JARs that contain them, and analyzes the statically declared dependencies between classes.
After 3 Months Of JavaScript Linting, It’s Pretty Much All Pain And No Gain
(Ben Nadel) Up until about 3 months ago, I had never used a linter. When we started InVision App, we played around with a coding style-guide; but, we quickly found out that no one stuck to it; and, frankly, we didn’t have time to worry about it – we were just trying to get product out the door.
Java 101: Datastructures and algorithms in Java, Part 1
(Jeff Friesen) Datastructures and algorithms are essential to computer science, which is the study of data, its representation in memory, and its transformation from one form to another.
Using The Joyous Power Of Relative Dates To Calculate Days-In-Month In JavaScript
(Ben Nadel) The Date object in JavaScript is kind of an amazing entity. For the most part, I rarely do anything more than “new” it into existence; however, when I have to manipulate dates, I am brought much joy by how well the JavaScript Date object handles relative dates.