(Grzegorz Mirek) Particularly useful for pre-Java 8 users, let’s explore how to get the best of both Client and Server compiling by using them together.
Learn About Properties In JavaScript
(Hanuman Jha) JavaScript is an object oriented programming language and encapsulation is a pillar of object oriented programming language. Properties help us to encapsulate. Properties help us to control what is assigned and return to and from the public field.
7 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When Handling Java Exceptions
(THORBEN JANSSEN) Handling an exception is one of the most common but not necessarily one of the easiest tasks. It is still one of the frequently discussed topics in experienced teams, and there are several best practices and common mistakes you should be aware of.
Simply DevFast! – Rendezvous with JSON
(D Sarthi Maheshwari) In Simply DevFast!, we started with some basic, yet powerful, set of extension methods. Those are powerful in following sense:
Detect WEBP Support with JavaScript
(David Walsh) Image optimization is a huge part of improving front-end performance. We’ve traditionally used JPG/JPEG, GIF, and PNG images but Google and the Chrome team developed the WEBP format which crunches file size and optimizes rendering.
Send An Email In Node.js
(Jyoti Kumari) In this article, we will learn how to send an email in node.js. As you know, sending emails in any application is an important function. First, I will setup node.js application using NPM commands; then I will implement email function.
Sitefinity Bundling and Minification (JS and CSS Files )
(Imran Khan A) This article is about the Bundling and Minification of the JavaScript files and CSS files in Sitefinity CMS.
Java 9 Migration Guide: The Seven Most Common Challenges
(Nicolai Parlog) I’m sure you’ve heard that updating to Java 9 is no walk in the park, maybe even that it’s an incompatible update and that a migration makes no sense for large code bases. After doing exactly that, migrating an old and fairly large code base, I can tell you that it’s not that bad.
XML Sitemap Generation in Java
(Bill O’Neil) Want to make sure search engines pick up your content? Build an XML sitemap to give them a hand. This approach uses Java to generate an XML sitemap.
Aggregating Cherry-Picked Lodash Methods In An Application Module In JavaScript
(Ben Nadel) In an effort to build smaller and smaller JavaScript bundles with tools like Webpack, Rollup, and Browserify, web developers have started to forego full imports of libraries like Lodash; and, instead, are just cherry-picking (importing) individual methods out of the Lodash library.