
Thinking JavaScript

(Kyle Simpson) I was teaching a JavaScript workshop the other day and one of the attendees asked me a JS brain teaser during the lunch break that really got me thinking. His claim was that he ran across it accidentally, but I’m a bit skeptical; it might just have been an intentional WTF trick!


AJAX in Symfony Project

(Alvin Bunk) I wanted to create a simple AJAX application in Symfony, in order that I could create some simple pages to use as sample code for some Mink Functional Tests that I could check in to github so that others can get familiar with using Mink for Functional testing in a Symfony project; howev


RAII in Java

(Yegor Bugayenko) Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) is a design idea introduced in C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup for exception-safe resource management. Thanks to garbage collection Java doesn’t have this feature, but we can implement something similar, using try-with-resources.