(Dr. Song Li) This is a note on LU decomposition in Javascript.
Java EE: Past, Present, and Future
(Alex Theedom) In this article, you will find out about the history of the Java EE ecosystem: Where it came from and how it has changed over the last few decades. You will discover the major milestones in its development from J2EE 1.2 to its current incarnation Java EE 7 and we will peek into the fu
Using jQuery DataTables Grid With ASP.NET CORE MVC
(Saineshwar Bageri) In this article, we are going to learn how to use Client side Grid (DataTables Grid) with ASP.NET Core MVC in a step by step way. A few months back, while interviewing for my company, I asked most of the developers what kind of Grids they were using in their current project.
async & await
(David Walsh) JavaScript promises were a revelation in JavaScript, providing an alternative to the JavaScript callback hell we’d quickly found ourselves in. Promises also allowed us to introduce and better handle asynchronous tasks.
CRUD Operations in IndexedDB using JsStore
(Member 13050046) Facing difficulties in IndexedDB operations? Want to learn a simple techique to perform CRUD operations with ease? Well, you have come across a right article. Cheers!!
Java Tip: Hibernate validation in a standalone implementation
(Victoria Farber) A good data validation strategy is an important part of every application development project. Being able to consolidate and generalize validation using a proven framework can significantly improve the reliability of your software, especially over time.
JAX-RS vs. Spring for REST Endpoints
(Brian Demers) Let’s compare JAX-RS and Spring when working with REST endpoints, including using them separately and together, and a handy cheat sheet.
The case for Oracle to cede control of Java SE
(Paul Krill) Now that Oracle wants to turn over leadership of enterprise Java’s (Java EE’s) development to a still-unnamed open source foundation, might the same thing happen with the standard edition of Java (Java SE) that Oracle also controls? Such a move could produce substantial benefits. But it
jOOQ 3.10 Supports JPA AttributeConverter
(lukaseder) One of the cooler hidden features in jOOQ is the JPADatabase, which allows for reverse engineering a pre-existing set of JPA-annotated entities to generate jOOQ code.
How to create a thread-safe ConcurrentHashSet in Java 8?
(Javin Paul) Until JDK 8, there was no way to create a large, thread-safe, ConcurrentHashSet in Java. The java.util.concurrent package doesn’t even have a class called ConcurrentHashSet, but from JDK 8 onwards, you can use newly added keySet(default value) and newKeySet() method to create a Concurre