(Bethany_Sanders) This article will describe the process of using gSOAP to connect to the Exchange Web Service. All functionalities in EWS are not defined in this article, but reading it should give you a solid basis of using C++ and gSOAP to access EWS operations.
A Brief History of Modularity
(Nicolás Bevacqua) When it comes to JavaScript, modularity is a modern concept. In this article we’ll quickly revisit and summarize the milestones in how modularity evolved in the world of JavaScript. This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive list, by any means, but instead it’s meant to illustrate the
Introduction To JSX And Rendering Elements (React) – Zero To Hero Series – Part Three
(Vipul Jain) This is the third article in ReactJS – Zero to Hero Series. I will recommend reading the first two articles (link given below), before going through this article.
Building a Semantic Recommendation Engine: the Sequel
(Michael Malgeri) Since we discussed the movie business in this post, a sequel seemed appropriate.
A RichDropDownList for MVC, with Custom Objects and HTML Options
(massimiliano aronica) Recently, during the development of on an MVC project, I was in need of a dropdown component showing HTML contents inside the options. I searched on the Internet, but then decided to build one.
Working With Java 9 in Eclipse
(Brian Fernandes) With Java 9 fast approaching, we take a look at how to get your instance of Eclipse ready to handle working with the upcoming version of Java.
Node.js Port Scanner
(David Walsh) Node.js has become an incredible tool for creating services or utilities that act like a service. Usually it’s npm start, wait a moment, and you’ll see the utility provide an address and port; a good example being localhost:8000.
Understanding, Accepting and Leveraging Optional in Java
(Eugen Paraschiv) One of the most interesting features that Java 8 introduces to the language is the new Optional class. The main issue this class is intended to tackle is the infamous NullPointerException that every Java programmer knows only too well.
Call, Apply and Bind In JavaScript
(Vipin Sharma) In JavaScipt, as we know, an object has its own properties and methods. Let us take a quick look.
A Guide to Formatting Code Snippets in Javadoc
(Tom Hombergs) Brush up on your Javadoc formatting skills with this guide to using the pre, code , and {@code} tags—and deciding when to use each of them.