(David Walsh) As streaming becomes our main entertainment source and vendors fight to create the best video format, it’s going to be more and more important that we detect device and browser video support before posting videos on our websites.
Upload Multiple Files To SharePoint List On Single Click Using Angular And jQuery
(Mahipal Reddy) This article explains how to upload multiple files into a SharePoint list in just a single click using Angular and jQuery.
Managing the Reactive World with RxJava
Jake Wharton discusses how to think about asynchronous sources, the tools that RxJava provides to handle them, and takes a look at the future of Java and how it will affect the library.
Understanding, Accepting, and Leveraging Optional in Java
(Eugen Paraschiv) Java 8’s Optional class was designed to largely get rid of NPEs. Let’s look at some best practices to consider to make the most of Optionals.
Detect Supported Video Formats with JavaScript
(David Walsh) Over the past few years we’ve been seeing new audio, video, and image formats take shape to challenge the legacy formats that we’ve used since the web’s inception. This is a great development as we have more processing power and better compression algorithms have been developed, leadi
TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Should You Migrate Your Project to TypeScript?
(Jared Nance) TypeScript (TS) and JavaScript (JS) are two widely known languages in the development world, but what are the differences and what use cases are better suited for one over the other? In this post, we’ll compare the two languages, how they relate to one another, discuss their primary di
Java 8 – Sorting HashMap by values in ascending and descending order
(Javin Paul) In the last article, I have shown you how to sort a Map in Java 8 by keys and today, I’ll teach you how to sort a Map by values using Java 8 features e.g. lambda expression, method reference, streams, and new methods added into the java.util.Comparator and Map.Entry classes.
Understanding Classes in Java (Part 3)
(Justin Albano) This series continues with an advanced look at a basic premise: creating and building upon classes in Java while adhering to important OOP principles.
Node.js Debugging
(David Walsh) Proper logging is of massive utility for web apps, both during development and after deployment. What can sometimes be difficult is organizing both the code and output of logging, i.e. knowing where each log message is coming from.
Selecting Lookup View Dynamically Using JavaScript In Dynamics CRM/ 365
(Ashish Vishwakarma) Lookup Views are shown when the user clicks on “Look Up More Records” in any Lookup field. In Dynamics CRM/365, Lookup Views are available in almost all entities. In newly created custom entities also, it will be available by default. Lookup View of Account Entity is shown.