(Erin Cavanaugh) Web and web services developers often need to send HTTP requests – whether for testing APIs, testing REST web services, or managing web sites.
How To Use jQuery Datatable In Angular
(Mahipal Reddy) In this article, I am going to explain how to use and integrate the jQuery datatable with AngularJS. DataTable is a prebuild functionality and a plug-in for the jQuery JavaScript library. It is a highly flexible tool based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement. It adds adva
A Simple Shooter Videogame in Native Javascript
(massimiliano aronica) I created this simple game in my free time just to distract myself from what I’m requested to do on my daily job. This is also an interesting and funny way of Javascript coding, compared to a typical DOM manipulation or ajax calls to server.
jOOQ Tuesdays: Nicolai Parlog Talks About Java 9
(lukaseder) Welcome to the jOOQ Tuesdays series. In this series, we’ll publish an article on the third Tuesday every other month where we interview someone we find exciting in our industry from a jOOQ perspective.
How to Monitor Java Services – Performance, Errors, and more
(Matt Watson) In the real world, a lot of mission-critical business logic lives in background services. Buying something from an e-commerce website, like Amazon, kicks off a wide array of tasks that must be completed after you click to confirm your order.
Docker for Java Developers: Docker over command line
(Andrey Redko) In this section of the tutorial we are going to master the Swiss army knife of Docker, its command line tool of the same name docker and its best friend docker-compose.
Creating a REST Web Service With Java and Spring (Part 1)
(Justin Albano) In the first part of this series, we take a look at how the design of the web service we’ll be creating, and the tech we’ll be using to there.
Node EADDRINUSE (Address Already in Use) Error
(David Walsh) Every once in a while my Macbook Pro freaks out and a process goes rogue. This oftentimes happens when I’m working on the excellent debugger.html project; I attempt to start the server side of the debugger and suddenly I’m hit with an error that resembles the following, leading to the
Jquery plugin to enable an element with a simple expression
(massimiliano aronica) Enable a button with a simple expression in its attribute , basing on the status of the referenced elements
Java Glossary and the Core Concepts in the Java Language
(Eugen Paraschiv) In this article, we’ll explore the foundations and core concepts of the Java language and terminology.