(Muhammad Sarwar) Bring your JAR file to Ubuntu as a service using this example service wrapper. See how to make it work, including automatic starts and logging tips.
An Introduction to Azure Functions in Java
(Jin Sun Park) Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service that allows users to create, manage, and deploy applications. The advantage of using serverless computing is that the infrastructure on which the application runs on is abstracted from the developer.
Three-Way File Comparison and Difference Merging
(David McGahey) Manually comparing versions of a long XML Schema or document to find any differences would be a tedious and error-prone task. XMLSpy has long featured file comparison with highlighted differences in side-by-side windows with merging in either direction.
Creating A Comment Box Using Angular 1.0.7
(Ankit Sahu) I’m creating a simple Comment Box web application using Angular 1.0.7.
What is JSON Processing (JSON-P API)?
(Alex Theedom) The Java API for JSON Processing 1.0 (JSR 353) is a low level, lightweight JSON parser, and generator that provides that capacity to manipulate JSON data at the property and value level.
Weak, Soft, and Phantom References in Java (and Why They Matter)
(Uberto Barbini) This breakdown of weak, soft, and phantom references explains how they impact GC and memory allocation as well as some ideal use cases.
Under Eclipse, changes to Java EE begin
(Paul Krill) As part of the change in ownership of Java EE (Enterprise Edition) from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation, how Java EE works and is managed are starting to change.
Deep Dive into Java Management Extensions (JMX)
(Eugen Paraschiv) In this article, we’ll have a look at a core Java technology – Java Management Extension (JMX).
The Top 10 Jigsaw and Java 9 Misconceptions Debunked
(Tali Soroker) Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect for the Java Platform Group, participated at a Devoxx conference this year and had the chance to share his thoughts on Jigsaw and Java 9 during a session called #askarch.
My Top Java 9 Features
(Martin Farrell) Now that Java 9 is out, check out one dev’s favorite features that came with the update and how they have helped his work.