(techiesatish) Android Spinner is basically a drop down list in Android. In this tutorial, we will parse JSON data from URL and populate a Spinner. If you don’t have any idea about Spinner, you can check it from here. First of all, we will get JSON data from this URL.
Spring Tips: Bootiful JAX-RS
(Joshua Long) Taking a walk on the Jersey side, follow along with this video that details integrating Spring Boot apps with JAX-RS for a more RESTful experience.
One-Way And Two-Way Data Binding With Examples In Angular
(Karthik Elumalai) In Angular 2, Data Binding is mainly classified in two ways – one-way binding (i.e. unidirectional binding) and two-way binding (i.e. bi-directional binding).
XDLStar: An XML Database Engine and Editor
(trident99) The XDLStarViewer application is a database viewer for the XDLStar Database System. It is designed to facilitate the creation of an XDLStar database, creation of its tables, and entry of its data.
JSON parsing 10x faster than XML parsing
(Jovan Popovic) Usually, when people talk about the performance of JSON in SQL Server, they are starting with “JSON is not actually a native type, it is just a plain text” and imply that it is probably too slow. It is true that JSON is stored as NVARCHAR and that there is no special type like for XM
Java 9: The Good, the Bad, and Private Interface Methods
(Yegor Bugayenko) Java 9 sees some changes and new features added to it, but are they all for the best? See what’s in store for you, what might be good, and what might be not-so-good.
CRUD Operation with Model dialog using UI-Grid in AngularJS and Web API
(Raj Kumar) After huge demand of my readers for this article, finally I get a chance to write this article. In this article, you will learn CRUD operations with model dialog using UI-Grid and Web API.
jQuery culture validation in ASP.NET Core 2.0
(Stefan Vincent Haug) This article explains the steps neccessary to include client-side validation using user- or custom culture information.
Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 18): JCLAP
(Dustin Marx) Giles Winstanley‘s JCLAP (Java Command-Line Argument Parser) is the eighteenth library covered in this series of posts on Java-based command line processing libraries. This post’s examples are based on JCLAP 1.4, which requires Java 8.
Build an Angular 1.5 Component – An AngularJS Tutorial
Angular 1.5 recently introduced components, a feature also available in Angular 2.