(Raihan Alam) This is the fourth article of a series of articles on ASP.NET Core Identity:
Implementing Custom Exceptions in Java
(Thorben Janssen) Learn why, when, and how to use custom exceptions in Java projects, including best practices, coding techniques, and tips for documentation.
Hit the Ground Running with the Spring Security Java Configuration
(Eugen Paraschiv) In this article, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily configure and set up a Spring Security based web application using the Java configuration.
Secure Your Java App With Spring Security, Thymeleaf, and Okta
(Micah Silverman) Learn how to incorporate Okta’s Groups mechanism in conjunction with Spring Security’s role-based access control and some Thymeleaf goodies for a secure Java app.
Refactoring vs. Redesign
(Sebastian Malaca) It often happens that developers use words Refactoring and Redesign interchangeably. Why? I think that is because in both cases we are ending with the same result – code that is changed, but it does exactly the same thing as it was capable of doing at the beginning of the process.
Base64 encoding and decoding
(Jeff Friesen) Java 8 will be remembered mainly for introducing lambdas, streams, a new date/time model, and the Nashorn JavaScript engine to Java. Some will also remember Java 8 for introducing various small but useful features such as the Base64 API.
Convert XML File to Excel File
(Altaf Ansari) In this tip, I am going to share with you the conversion methods of XML to Excel in C#.
Dockerized Java EE 8 applications with GlassFish 5.0
(Sebastian Daschner) GlassFish 5.0 represents the reference implementation of Java EE 8. We can dockerize Java EE 8 applications by using a GlassFish base image, such as the official oracle/glassfish.
Positional Parameters in Java: An Update
(Bipin Patwardhan) In this follow-up to a previous post about positional parameter parsing takes some crowdsourced lessons and turns them into a better solution.
Why, When and How to Implement Custom Exceptions in Java
(Thorben Janssen) We already talked a lot about exception handling on this blog and described the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions, best practices and common mistakes. If you’ve read these posts, you probably recognized a pattern.