(morzel) Java and C# are very similar languages, so if you have to switch between the two, it’s easy to overlook subtle differences. One of the tricky bits is the meaning of protected access modifier.
How to Improve the Performance of a Java Application
(Eugen Paraschiv) In this article, we’ll discuss a number of approaches that can be helpful for improving the performance of a Java application. We’ll start with how to define measurable performance goals and then look at different tools to measure, monitor application performance and identify bottl
A Common Mistake Developers Make When Caching Nullable Values
(lukaseder) Caching is hard in various ways. Whenever you’re caching things, you have to at least think of:
Java Interface – Journey Over the Years to Java 9 – Default and Private Methods
(Mohamed Sanaulla) Interface in Java has evolved over the Java releases more so in Java 8 and Java 9. In this article we will look at how Interface was prior to Java 8 and how it has been enhanced in Java 8 and Java 9
Automatic-Module-Name: Calling All Java Library Maintainers
(Sander Mak) Java library maintainers who want to help users out with Java 9’s modularity should read this post immediately to learn how to make Automatic Modules.
Introduction To ngrx In Angular
(Fatima Khan) In Angular, ngrx is built on the concept of Redux, a state management container. In ngrx, this state management is achieved by a store.
Getting Started with Angular5 and Angular Materials
(Ben Ahmed Zohra) In this article, I am going to explain how to set up a new Angular5 project and integrate Angular materials into it.
Watch for Object Changes with JavaScript
(David Walsh) Watching for changes to an object’s property has always been a much sought after task; many shims have been used over the years to listen to object changes. These days we have better methods for listening to object changes: the Proxy API.
Angular 5 Basics
(Areeba Moin) In this article, I ‘m going to give a basic introduction and the steps to project setup for Angular 5.
ES8 (or ES2017) – What’s New in JavaScript?
(V Keerti Kotaru) ES8 or ES2017 is the eighth version of the JavaScript language specification created to offer new features and ways of working with JavaScript. This article talks about the new features in ES8/ES 2017.