(Rajesh kumar das02) I was trying to implement JWT Auth in web Api .The Web api i want to consume in my Angular 2 client side application.But while searching in internet i don’t find any correct solution for my problem with Project architecture setup.
How to Fetch Oracle DBMS_OUTPUT from JDBC
(lukaseder) When working with Oracle stored procedures, it is not uncommon to have debug log information available from DBMS_OUTPUT commands. For instance, if we have a procedure like this:
Using Trusted Timestamping With Java
(Bozhidar Bozhanov) Trusted timestamping is the process of having a trusted third party (“Time stamping authority”, TSA) certify the time of a given event in electronic form.
React, Redux and JavaScript Architecture
(James Sinclair) Whether you use them or not, React and Redux are important. They have changed the way we think about structuring front-end web applications. They can be very powerful. But they are not magic.
Handy Improvements in JPA 2.2
(Kesha Williams) Oracle recently released version 2.2 of the Java Persistence API (JPA), which is the standard for persisting Java objects to a relational database.
Java 8: The Bad Parts
(Grzegorz Piwowarek) With Java 9 here, let’s take a look at what its predecessor, Java 8, did well and, more importantly, where it left room for improvement.
NodeJS – Getting Started With Some Basic Functions
(Nirav Daraniya) Today, I am explaining about getting started with NodeJS. Node.js is a powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine.
ASP.NET Core 2.0 & Angular 4: Build from Scratch a Web Application for Vehicles Management
(O.Nasri) The main objective of this article is to discover more features about Angular4 and .NET CORE Framework such as:
Building SPA With Angular And Redux
(Pankaj Kumar Choudhary) In the current application development era, Single Page Application (SPA) is a great feature to develop modern web-based applications. In these SPA applications, we tend to move the data level dependency from the server side to browser level as much as possible to improve th
JavaScript fetch with Timeout
(David Walsh) The fetch API started out as a target for criticism because of lack of timeout and request cancelation. While those criticisms could be argued as fair or not, you can’t deny that the fetch API has been pretty awesome. As we’ve always done, if a feature is missing, we can always shim