(Uday Tatiraju) This article walks you through the design and development of a modern, responsive, resilient and message driven continuous integration (CI) system using the Eclipse Vert.x toolkit. We will leverage the Java Platform Module System (JPMS)––prototyped under Project Jigsaw––to construct
Different jQuery Operations
(Akash Kumhar) In this article, we will explore multiple ways to hide, show, and disable a control. We will be trying to handle multiple scenarios with their solutions. And, we will also explore new tricks to hide, show, and disable bulk of controls using jQuery.
JUnit4, JUnit5, and Spock: A Comparison
(Anton R. Yuste) This summary of a JUG meeting on unit testing compares JUnit 4, JUnit 5, and the Spock framework to see what features they offer.
How to Return/Serialize JSON in VB.NET
(The Myth) As I started to based my web apps around sending json back and forth, I started to notice the many different ways there are to format and manipulate the responses. There seem to be three main ways to return json from an MVC app.
Moving the JS Playground from GitHub Pages to Netlify
(Jack Franklin) Over the weekend I moved this blog from GitHub Pages to Netlify and in this blog post I want to talk about why.
Is Java Optional Only Smoke and Mirrors?
(Nicolas Frankel) There are a lot of misconceptions in the software development world. Today we are going to address this one:
Java 101: Datastructures and algorithms in Java, Part 3
(Jeff Friesen) In Datastructures and algorithms in Java, Part 2 I introduced a variety of techniques for searching and sorting one-dimensional arrays, which are the simplest arrays.
JDBC Connections Cheat Sheet
(Michael Remijan) This is a quick reference for JDBC connections for common databases. I seem to have to lookup this information a lot, so I figured it be good to have a reference all in one place.
An Angular Modal Dialog with Advanced Functionality and Easy-use Features
(Shenwei Liu) Presenting an advanced modal dialog service re-written in Angular version 2 and above from the AngularJS 1.x version plus demonstrating the dialog uses and issue resolutions in details.
JPA 2.2 Brings Some Highly Anticipated Changes
(Thorben Janssen) Released this past summer, JPA 2.2 is one of more modest specifications in Java EE 8, perhaps because JPA 2.1 was already a very mature specification, providing most of the features required by modern applications.