(Asma Khalid) A calendar is an important part of improving user visibility for the announced holidays or for meeting schedule display. Displaying the calendar on a full page makes the user visibility more interactive.
Type Safe Implicit JOIN Through Path Navigation in jOOQ 3.11
(lukaseder) One of the biggest contributors to SQL syntax verbosity is the need to explicitly JOIN every table that somehow contributes to the query, even if that contribution is “trivial”.
Bootstrap Modal Dialog Interaction with AngularJS 1.6.x
(Han Bo Sun) In this tutorial, I will discuss some techniques that can be used so that modal dialogs can be used with AngularJS without integrating with ui-bootstrap.
Considerations When Returning Java 8’s Optional From a Method
(Dustin Marx) In the debate over single vs. multiple returns when using Java Optionals, here are some tips to ensure your code is both functional and readable.
ASP.NET MVC 5 – Buttons In Datatables jQuery Plugin
(Asma Khalid) Table view is one of the most important and basic forms of presenting data on a web page. However, adding action to each row is equally important simply because action for each row leads to different results.
How to Create a Twitter Bot with Node.js
(David Walsh) Twitter bots have been in the news over the past few years due to election meddling, not only in the United States but stretching across the globe. There are, however, good and logical reasons for creating Twitter bots.
Using dhtmlxScheduler with MeteorJS
(Stas Wolski) In this article, we’ll learn the basics of using the Meteor framework for creating web applications. Meteor is an open-source full-stack JavaScript framework that was written using Node.js.
Java Interfaces and Lambda Expressions
(Cay S. Horstmann) Java supports function expressions that provide a convenient bridge between object-oriented and functional programming. In this chapter, you will learn about interfaces and lambda expressions.
The Java vs .NET Comparison (Explained with Cats)
(Elena Ruchko) Comparing technologies is always fun. Not that we want to start yet another programming language war, but it is really quite interesting to take a fresh look at a familiar technology and put it into perspective.
JDBC Next: A New Asynchronous API for Connecting to a Database
(Yolande Poirier) The existing JDBC API leads to blocked threads, threads scheduling, and contention. For high throughput and large-scale deployment, the Java community needs a standard asynchronous API for database access where user threads never block.