(Eugen Paraschiv) By 1996, Java had already become popular among developer for its friendly APIs and automated Garbage Collection and was starting to be widely used in back-end systems.
Maven, Eclipse and Java 9
(Martin Farrell) Anyone that uses the M2E(maven-to-eclipse) plugin in eclipse knows the issue where you have run a build, then update maven on your project only to have it reset the JRE and throw up a wall of project errors! I noticed the issue in the post I made on running Java EE 8 with Java 9 usi
A Multi-Tenant (SaaS) Application With ASP.NET Core, Angular, EntityFrameworkCore and ASP.NET Boilerplate
(alirýza adýyahþi) In this article, we will see a SaaS (multi-tenant) application developed using the following frameworks:
Cheatsheet: Java Functional Interfaces
(Tony Tapper) Want a quick breakdown of Java’s functional interfaces? Here’s a great compilation of predicates, operators, and functions, as well as their uses.
Authentication With Route Guards In Angular 5 Single Page Application
(Mangesh Gaherwar) Angular comes with many built-in features which can be used to achieve things like authentication and authorization. Route Guards are one of them. Let’s see how we can achieve this.
Script & Style Show: Episode 4: Tooling
(David Walsh) On this week’s episode: David starts the show by revealing he has a headache and an hour of discussing JavaScript tooling will not make it better.
‘Birds of a Feather stick together’ To Produce Users-To-Items Recommendations In JavaScript
(Arthur V. Ratz) In this article, we’ll introduce and demonstrate the using of an approach that allows to produce user-to-item recommendations based on the data on recent users site activities being logged.
Template Driven Forms In Angular
(Rathrola Prem Kumar) In our previous article, we learned how to create services and use them in multiple components. Now, we are going to talk about forms. Forms are really important to get the data from the users.
Prefer System.lineSeparator() for Writing System-Dependent Line Separator Strings in Java
(Dustin Marx) JDK 7 saw the introduction of System.lineSeparator(). So why should you use it instead of System.getProperty(”line.separator”)?
Correct Reflective Access to Interface Default Methods in Java 8, 9, 10
(lukaseder) When performing reflective access to default methods in Java, Google seems to fail us. The solutions presented on Stack Overflow, for instance, seem to work only in a certain set of cases, and not on all Java versions.