(N Vinodh) In this article, I have explained how to perform create, read, update, and delete operations on SharePoint list items using HTTP requests.
Destructuring and Function Arguments
(David Walsh) The JavaScript language has benefitted from some really awesome new features over the past few years, including arrow functions, the spread operator, and default function argument values.
What Future Java Releases Mean for Legacy Desktop Apps
(Hendrik Ebbers) Java 11 will mean the end of Java Web Start. Let’s see what this means for legacy desktop apps and how developers can be ready for the change.
Kotlin and JUnit 5 @BeforeAll
(Biju Kunjummen) In Kotlin, classes do not have static methods. A Java equivalent semantic can be provided to callers using the concept of a companion object though.
Mocking JDBC Using a Set of SQL String / Result Pairs
(lukaseder) In a previous blog post, I’ve shown how the programmatic MockDataProvider can be used to mock the entire JDBC API through a single functional interface:
How To Validate XML Using XSD In C#
(Sagar Shinde) In this article, we will see how we can validate a given XML by using XML Schema (XSD). Sometimes, it needs to be validated at the business level. After reading this article, we can learn the below points.
Java Challengers #1: Method overloading in the JVM
(Rafael Chinelato Del Nero) Welcome to the new Java Challengers blog! This blog is dedicated to challenging concepts in Java programming. Master them and you will be well on your way to becoming a highly skilled Java programmer.
jWrite – A Really Simple JSON Writer in C
(tonywilk) jWrite is a simple way of writing JSON to a char buffer in C, directly from native variables. It manages the output buffer so you don’t overrun, it handles all the fiddly quotes, brackets and commas and reports where you have tried to create invalid JSON.
JavaFX WebView Overview
(Murali Billa) In this blog, we will be looking at how JavaFX can render webpages and the component responsible for it – which is known as WebView
Basics Of Angular And Its Versions – Part Four
(Santosh Kumar Adidawarpu) In this article, I am going to discuss Angular Compilers. Before reading this article, please go through my previous articles for better understanding,