(Marco Behler) As we continue our journey into proper usage of Java 8 Streams, we’ll check out the variety of find and match methods at your disposal.
Java EE 8 Security API: Overview
(Alex Theedom) Probably, the single most significant new feature added to Java EE 8 is the new security API.
Understanding and Leveraging the Java Stack Trace
(Eugen Paraschiv) Stack traces are probably one of the most common things you’re regularly running into while working as a Java developer. When unhandled exceptions are thrown, stack traces are simply printed to the console by default.
Client Side Development With SharePoint Using NodeJS And PnP
(Shantha Kumar T) Nowadays, client side development with SharePoint is growing bigger and bigger with lot of APIs emerging against SharePoint data. @PnP (PnPJS) is a new javascript API from SharePoint Patterns and Practices team.
Implementing Guard in Angular 5 App
(Sibeesh Passion) In this post, we are going to implement Guard, which help us to restrict users to access some pages if they haven’t logged in to our application, in Angular 5.
What’s new in the Sails Node.js framework
(Paul Krill) Sails, an MVC web framework for building Node.js applications also known as Sails.js, is now in Version 1.0 production status, featuring an async/await capability from the ECMAScript 2017 specification that promises to improve developer productivity.
Using ‘ng-bootstrap’ Components In Angular 5 App
(Rahul Saraswat) In this article, we are going to cover a couple of bootstrap components provided by “ng-bootstrap” module in our Angular 5 apps.
The Importance of Choosing Certified XBRL Tools
(Erin Cavanaugh) Aside from complying with filing regulations, there are numerous benefits associated with adoption of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language. Standardizing information allows data validation as well as simplified comparison of reported data within an organization – from quarter
Build a File Upload Component with Angular Material
(Duke Wang) Angular is a popular and powerful front-end framework for JavaScript web application development. With Angular Material, you can build web application with adaptability to different devices.
Effectively Use Rails 5 Validation Methods
(Obie Fernandez) One of the most appealing aspects of Rails is how we can declaratively specify the criteria for determining the validity of model objects. In this excerpt, the ActiveRecord Validations API is covered in-depth.