(Sudip Bhandari) Check out how using the Lombok library can make your code cleaner and more readable. Because who doesn’t love a simple cup of Java?
JAX-RS Tutorial with Jersey for RESTful Web Services
(Anand Kumar) In today’s world data plays a very important role. With so many applications using various types of data for different operations, the most important aspect is communication between applications. Data sharing becomes easy between application when they can communicate.
How to Run a Bulk INSERT .. RETURNING Statement With Oracle and JDBC
(lukaseder) When inserting records into SQL databases, we often want to fetch back generated IDs and possibly other trigger, sequence, or default generated values. Let’s assume we have the following table:
Integrating Charts With Angular 5 – Part One
(Manav Pandya) This article is about integrating or using Charts in Angular 5 with many options such as Column Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, and Combined Charts. We are going to see how to integrate charts with Angular 5 App within a few steps.
Datatables.net Deferred Loading of Data using ASP.NET MVC and jQuery
(Deepan Maheswaran) This article is focused on “Deferred loading of data” using Datatables.net in your ASP.NET MVC projects.
How Can You Integrate A JSON Framework With iOS
(Shahid Mansuri) JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON in short, is commonly used for representing structural data and data interchange in client-server applications, serving as an alternative to XML. It has grown in popularity as it is simple to use and human-readable.
Optional Parameters in Java: Common Strategies and Approaches
(Eugen Paraschiv) Unlike some languages such as Kotlin and Python, Java doesn’t provide built-in support for optional parameter values. Callers of a method must supply all of the variables defined in the method declaration.
Build a Prototype Web-Based Diagramming App with SVG and Javascript
(Marc Clifton) I’ve been wanting to learn about SVG for a while now, and there are certainly any number of helpful websites on creating SVG drawings and animations. But I didn’t want to learn how to create static (or even animated) SVG drawings, I wanted to learn how to use SVG dynamically:
React and autofocus
(David Walsh) While I love ReactJS, I can say that I sometimes find interactions that were easy during the pre-ReactJS are annoyingly difficult or at least “indirect”.
Full Calendar – ASP.NET Web API And AngularJS
(El Mahdi Archane) As you know, in the professional world, we have to do many things such as meetings, business trips, and training sessions. Therefore all that must be organized by using a calendar.