(Matt Busche) My latest project was moving a bunch of applications from running on WebSphere using Java 6 to running on Liberty running Java 8.
How to Get a React Component’s Element
(David Walsh) JSX is an amazing pseudo-language for React, and if I’m honest, it’s what brought me to love React so much. Using React without JSX is cumbersome and frustrating, while using JSX is such an easier way to express your code.
Get to Know JSON Binding: Overview Series
(Alex Theedom) The Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B) 1.0 strengthens the Java EE platform’s overall support for the JSON data interchange format. Already, the Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P) 1.1 has proved popular and together they form the perfect partners that fill a long-standing shortcomi
Loading Mask For Angular Using CSS
(Cynthia Sathuragiri) In this article I would like to explain how to display a loader mask for all the pages in Angular applications that disables the underlying html elements while the page is loading or during postbacks, using CSS.
The State of Logging in Java
(Nicolas Frankel) When developing an application, chances are that it won’t perform as expected on the first run. In order to check what went wrong, developers in general use debuggers. But experienced developers know that if it happens in production, most debuggers won’t be available.
Angles of AngularJS – Part-2
(NavnathKale) In the previous article, we talked about some boilerplate code and issues that each developer has to face to work with Angular implementation and we also worked to abstract this common work into base services and controllers to come over these limitations.
Learn About API Authorization In Node.js
(Shashangka Shekhar) Let’s take a quick look at how the work is going to be done.
Multi Gateway Payment Processing for Java
(Member 9840324) While creating a fully functional web site like e-commerce where payment is necessary, developers usually face a tough time while implementing payment gateway. When your idea is a little big, you want multigateway support for your clients – that’s a real pain.
Effective Java Generics
(Joshua Bloch) Eight ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the complications of generics in Java.
Overview Of Dynamic Components In Angular
(Pankaj Kumar Choudhary) Components are the basic building blocks of any Angular project. In this article we will cover some advanced topics about the components, such as how to create dynamic components and also how to create some advanced components in Angular projects.