(Vikas Garg) Guards in Angular are nothing but the functionality, logic, and code which are executed before the route is loaded or the ones leaving the route.
More on Java 8 Optional Functionality
(Dale Wyttenbach) Still relatively new to Java 8? Here’s a newcomer’s perspective of Optional to hopefully clear up a few confusing parts of its design and use.
5 things you didn’t know about …Command-line flags for the JVM
(Ted Neward) The JVM is the workhorse behind the Java application functionality and performance that most Java developers take for granted. And yet very few of us truly understand how the JVM does what it does — things like allocating and garbage-collecting objects, spinning up threads, opening and
Parallel and Asynchronous Programming in Java 8
(Lisa Steendam) Java 8 offered a boon to parallel and asynchronous programming. Let’s check out the lessons Java learned from JavaScript and how JDK 8 changed the game.
The Relationship Between Jakarta EE, EE4J and Java EE
(Ivar Grimstad) The Jakarta EE name has been out for more than a month, and even if Mike Milinkovich explained the names and concepts pretty well in his blog post And the Name Is…, there still is a bit confusion about how it all relates and I get questions around it whenever the topic comes up. I ha
Combining Angular 5 CLI Project And ASP.NET Core Project
(santu ghosh) Angular 5 is catching the attention of all the developers. And .NET Core from Microsoft is already popular. So what happens if you create an Angular project on the command line, and then you want to integrate it with ASP.NET Core framework? Let us see!
Truth First, or Why You Should Mostly Implement Database First Designs
(lukaseder) In this much overdue article, I will explain why I think that in almost all cases, you should implement a “database first” design in your application’s data models, rather than a “Java first” design (or whatever your client language is), the latter approach leading to a long road of pain
REST API or SOAP Testing Automation with ZeroCode JSON-Based Open Source Test Framework
(Sidd Gautama) This light weight Open Source framework simplifies the pain for writing and maintaining wrapper code or glue code or POJO builder code for automation of REST/SOAP end point testing.
Java 101: Datastructures and algorithms in Java, Part 5
(Jeff Friesen) In Part 4, I introduced all the things you can do with singly linked lists and their algorithms in Java. While singly linked lists have many uses, they also present some restrictions.
Local Authentication Using Node.js
(Abhishek) Authentication means validating your credentials like username and password to confirm your identity. The system or application confirms that you are the true user for accessing the private or confidential data. Authorization is a process of verifying that you have access to do something.