(Dustin Marx) Time to look at three more JEPs being proposed for Java 11. From nest-based access control to garbage collection, let’s see what this means for you.
Refactoring to Eclipse Collections: Making Your Java Streams Leaner, Meaner, and Cleaner
(Kristen O’Leary and Vladimir Zakharov) Java Streams, introduced in Java 8, are great – they allow you to take full advantage of lambda expressions to replace repetitive code with methods capturing common iteration patterns, resulting in more functional code.
Java 10: Collecting a Stream into an Unmodifiable Collection
(Fahd Shariff) Java 10 introduces several new methods to facilitate the creation of unmodifiable collections.
jOOQ 3.11 Released With 4 New Databases, Implicit Joins, Diagnostics, and Much More
(lukaseder) Today, jOOQ 3.11 has been released with support for 4 new databases, implicit joins, diagnostics, and much more
Creating Angular 5 Multiple File Upload And ASP.NET Core 2.1
(Nemi Chand) In this article, we’ll learn how to upload multiple files using Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core 2.1. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate multiple file upload with progress bar without using any Angular third-party plug-in.
Angular 6 within ASP NET Core 2.1
(Juan G. Carmona) After a series of previews, Microsoft announced the final release of .NET Core 2.1, which includes newer version for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.
How To Connect SQLite With Node.js
(Mushtaq M A) In this article, we will learn how to use connect SQLite with NodeJS and how to perform the CRUD operations with SQLite and NodeJS.
Java 101: Mastering Java exceptions, Part 1
(Jeff Friesen) Java exceptions are library types and language features used to represent and deal with program failure. In the first half of this article you’ll learn about basic language features and library types that have been around since Java 1.0.
Angular Command Prompt
(David A. Gray) If you use the Angular CLI, you need a custom command prompt, along the lines of the Visual Studio Developer Tools command prompt.
Enabling VSCode’s ‘Go to Definition’ for JSX imports
(Jack Franklin) I have recently been trialling using Microsoft’s VSCode editor as my primary code editor, and so far I’ve been very happy with it. One feature that I’ve particularly enjoyed is “Go to Definition”. This lets you hover over any variable/class/object/etc and be taken to the place where