(Anthony Jose) Want to learn more about using the Java collections framework? Check out this post about collections, as well as different Java classes and interfaces.
How to use filter() method in Java 8
(Semika Kaluge) Java 8 Stream interface introduces filter() method which can be used to filter out some elements from object collection based on a particular condition. This condition should be specified as a predicate which the filter() method accepts as an argument.
What’s New in Java 10
(Eugen Paraschiv) March 2018 saw the latest semi-annual release of Java: Java 10.
End to End(E2E) Tests in Angular Application Using Protractor
(Sibeesh Passion) In this article, we will learn how we can create end to end tests (e2e) for our Angular application. We will be using an existing end-to-end testing framework, which is nothing but, Protractor. Protractor runs your tests against your application running in a real browser, in the sa
Java Challengers #3: Polymorphism and inheritance
(Rafael Chinelato Del Nero) According to the legend Venkat Subramaniam, polymorphism is the most important concept in object-oriented programming. Polymorphism–or the ability of an object to execute specialized actions based on its type–is what makes Java code flexible.
JSON With JavaScript
(Naveen Arumugam) JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It’s a lightweight data interchange format. It is a syntax for storing and exchanging data. It’s text written with javascript object notation. In this article, we will see some basics of JSON with JavaScript.
Learn About XQuery Update Facility
(Erin Cavanaugh) XQuery Update Facility is an extension of the XQuery language that allows you to make changes in an XML instance using “update expressions” that insert, delete, replace, or rename nodes.
Excel Export from Angular 2+
(Abhishek Shrotriya) In the open source world, it’s always difficult to identify the appropriate plug-in/ package to serve the business requirements. More so often when it involves, exporting of data within certain boundaries defined by the strict business rules and user readability driven by decora
Component Lifecycle Hooks in Angular 5 – Part 2
(Mahesh Verma) In this article, I am going to explain component’s lifecycle hooks. I have already explained first three hooks ( i.e., OnChange, OnInit and DoCheck) in my previous article Component Lifecycle Hooks in Angular 5.
Ryan Dahl’s Node.js regrets lead to Deno
(Paul Krill) What might the Node.js server-side JavaScript runtime look like today if founder Ryan Dahl could build it all over again? With his Deno project, a secure TypeScript runtime built on the same Google V8 JavaScript engine as Node.js, we get an idea.