(Lockwood Lyon) One of the most common categories of performance metrics is that of resource usage, typically aggregated by time period. Examples include CPU used per query, disk storage used for databases, I/O instructions per unit time and average elapsed times for user transactions and other proc
Tag: IBM
How to block database connections
(Jack Vamvas) During a recent consultation there was a requirement to block DB2 LUW database connections. The purpose was to test monitoring alerts and assess the correct response when a database connection could not be established.
What the Null? Handling Missing Information in Database Systems
(Craig S. Mullins) In relational database systems, a null represents missing or unknown information at the column level. A null is not the same as 0 (zero) or blank. Null means no entry has been made for the column and it implies that the value is either unknown or inapplicable.
IBM Datacap 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.1.0 and 9.1.1 DDK: Customizing ruleset configuration panels for FastDoc and Datacap Studio
(Robert Ferin) You can create custom ruleset configuration panels for your IBM Datacap applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. The panels are written in C# .NET, implemented as DLLs.
QA for Big Data Applications – Part 1
(Lockwood Lyon) Big data applications promise the ability to analyze huge volumes of transactional data for actionable (i.e., profitable) intelligence.
Maximize your business value with 5 universal use cases
(Sam Weeks and Martin Westphal) This series of articles introduces the Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming interface (API) for IBM Blueworks Live, which provides extra capabilities such as customized reporting on business process information stored in Blueworks Live.
Do the Needful
(Mark Gillis) So the last few blogs have been a bit negative and have been built around common expressions and assumptions that make my hackles rise (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, We’re Risk Averse and Best Practice).
Practical RPG: Loading an Array Using SUBARR
(Joe Pluta) I think arrays are fantastic. I love how they can be used to represent so many things: the lines in an order, the stores in a city, or the cards in a poker hand.
Chatbots: Testing Contexts
(Henrik Loeser) Some weeks ago I blogged about a tool I wrote for the IBM Watson Conversation Service (WCS). It allows you to manage your conversation workspaces from the command line and to test dialogs.
DB2 12 In-Memory Feature: Fast Index Traversal
(Akiko Hoshikawa) DB2 12 is classified as an in-memory data base by Gartner. It is not just a simple in-memory data base but a very smart one. In this paper, we explain one of the most innovative in memory optimizations in DB2 12.