(Steve Thomas) Steve Thomas of CA Technologies presents a great introduction into the world of locks, latches, claims and drains. A must see for all developers working wit Db2 for z/OS as well as all DBAs wanting to refresh their knowledge.
Tag: IBM
Monitoring and Managing IBM Spectrum Scale Using the GUI
(Markus Rohwedder, Alexander Wolf-Reber, Stefan Roth and Liju Jose) The IBM Spectrum Scale GUI provides an easy way to configure and monitor various features that are available with the IBM Spectrum Scale system. The IBM Spectrum Scale GUI is a web application that runs on common web browsers such a
Big Data Comes of Age: What’s Next? – Part 5
(Lockwood Lyon) Big data applications evolved from large and very large databases (VLDBs) that grew in size and in scope. Vendors addressed this issue with hybrid hardware/software offerings that used massively parallel I/O processing and storage access. While this worked well for traditional busine
DB2 Archived Log Compression
(Jack Vamvas) Question: Can I compress DB2 LUW archived logs? How can I configure a DB2 database to apply compression to the archived logs automatically?
Find out what’s new for federation in Big SQL V4.X
(Mara Matias) My last article on this subject was written when the federation feature was first made available, in V3 of Big SQL. Since then, the configuration has been simplified and improved. This tutorial shows the incremental changes introduced in Big SQL federation starting with V4.0 and up to
Big Data Comes of Age: What’s Next? – Part 3
(Lockwood Lyon) Crazy fast query execution was a promise of early big data applications. Indeed, without fast-running queries the whole point of storing lots of data for analysis would be lost. Big data appliances implemented two features not found in most databases: massively-parallel data storage
DB2 Archived Log Compression
(Jack Vamvas) Question: Can I compress DB2 LUW archived logs? How can I configure a DB2 database to apply compression to the archived logs automatically?
Practical RPG: APIs, Part 1 – Error Handling
(Joe Pluta) IBM offers programmers incredible access to the IBM i operating system, but no single avenue is more extensive and powerful than the Application Programming Interface (API) library.
(Troy L Coleman) I was recently asked about the differences between DSNHDECP NEWFUN(V11) and the APPLCOMPAT=V11R1 zparm system parameter. It’s certainly an interesting question, so let’s answer it here.
Autonomic computing in DB2 for z/OS : myth or reality ?
(alain pary) Over the years, there has been a lot of evolution in DB2 for z/OS : packages, compression, datasharing, triggers, large objects, unicode support, memory management, PBG tablespaces