(Neil Delima and Ali Manji) Weather events affect business operations. When weather events occur or are likely to occur, businesses take actions to mitigate the effects on their operations. Now businesses can make their operations smarter by reacting to weather events and automating operational deci
Tag: IBM
DBaaS and Streamlined Development
(Troy L Coleman) The term Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) can convey different things. You may think of off-premise cloud deployment of a DBMS, like IBM’s Db2 on Cloud (formerly known as dashDB).
Watson for i: Watson Cashes In on Financial Services
(John Ghrist) Although banks and credit unions may seem to have the lion’s share of laws and regulations they must meet in order to be allowed to handle other people’s money, every organization has some level of fiduciary responsibilities.
Db2 for z/OS: Lock Avoidance
(Robert Catterall) Not long ago, I served as part of the teach team for a Db2 12 for z/OS Technology Workshop that IBM offered in a city in the USA. During that workshop, I covered, among other things, a Db2 12 enhancement that can improve the CPU efficiency of a Db2 data sharing system by reducing
DB2 HADR Part 4 – Deactivation of HADR Stand By Database in spite of running Activities
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) Deactivation of HADR Stand By Database is possible in spite of running Activities, Utilities, Queries etc.
IBM Db2 12 for z/OS Performance Topics
(Akiko Hoshikawa, Bart Steegmans, Cristian Molaro and Kaitlin E. Murray) Db2 12 for IBM z/OS delivers several significant business values, such as cost reductions, scalability improvement, and improved application enablement for cloud and mobile environment.
DB2 HADR Part 4 – Deactivation of HADR Stand By Database in spite of running Activities
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) Deactivation of HADR Stand By Database is possible in spite of running Activities, Utilities, Queries etc.
Database as a Service: An IT Strategic Direction
(Lockwood Lyon) Many vendors with data centers and cloud storage now offer database as a service (DBaaS) as part of a set of solutions to customers. The typical business will benefit because the vendor handles the installation and upgrade of database management software, backup and recovery of datab
App Security Scanner: My Cloud Database App is Secure
(Henrik Loeser) Over the past years I have written a couple cloud-based apps. Most of them have a database backened. I know – to a good degree – how to secure the database system. I have some background in secure software engineering.
What happened in the background while taking backup in DB2?
(Vinay Kumar Bommana) What happened in the background while taking backup in DB2? As we all know in db2 architecture EDUs play a vital role, same here also.