(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) Description: OS TCPIP SND/RCV Buffer impedes HADR Startup in Primary Database
Tag: IBM
The Db2 12 for z/OS Blog Series – Part 18: Adaptive Indexes
(Craig S. Mullins) Have you ever had one of those tough queries that was always a challenge to keep performing well? This type of query usually experiences fluctuating filtering. By that I mean that the filtering can change, sometimes dramatically, between executions of the query.
DB2 HADR Part 5 – Stand By Database continues Activities in spite of Primary Not Reachable
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) Stand By Database continues Activities in spite of Primary Not Reachable. Stand By Database continues execution of shipped log records can resynch later.
5 Building Blocks of a Successful Data Governance Program
(Sunil Soares) Data governance is the formulation of policy to optimize, secure, and leverage information as an enterprise asset by aligning the objectives of multiple functions. By its very nature, data governance requires cross-departmental cooperation to deliver timely, trustworthy data for bette
DB2 Data Warehouse Capacity Planning – Part 2
(Lockwood Lyon) It seems obvious that the primary issue of big data capacity planning is storage capacity. Lots of it! However, when doing long-range planning for your federated warehouse and big data application, there are other, more important concerns.
Lessons Learned of Locking and Latches
(Adrian Burke) Locking and latching are both key mechanisms employed by relational database management systems to ensure data integrity, consistency, and the proper serialization of resources. In the Db2 for z/OS world, IRLM manages the locks, but both Db2 and IRLM have internal latches whose perfor
Db2 12 Avoids CPU and I/O During PIT Recovery
(Troy L Coleman) Traditionally when a point-in-time (PIT) recovery is needed, all the tables that have a referential relationship will be recovered simultaneously to the same PIT. The problem is there’s no way to determine whether one or more parent tables or related child tables have changed.
Interesting Db2 items in the latest TR!
(Mike Cain) Today, IBM announces the latest IBM i 7.2 and IBM i 7.3 Technology Refresh (TR).
Implementing High Availability and Disaster Recovery Solutions with SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems
(Dino Quintero, Luis Bolinches, Rodrigo Ceron Ferreira de Castro, Fabio Martins and John Wright) This IBM Redpaper publication addresses topics for architects, brand specialists, distributors, resellers, and anyone developing and implementing SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems integration, automation, hi
DB2 Data Warehouse Capacity Planning
(Lockwood Lyon) Today’s enterprise data warehouse contains many years of data (sometimes decades) from operational systems. Business intelligence analysts run queries against the data to predict customer and price trends, as well as historical reporting.