(John Ghrist) No matter how independent one’s working life might feel, ultimately each of us is part of a team. Team members have to collaborate, and one of the “focus areas” on which IBM is concentrating Watson is collaboration aids.
Tag: IBM
Finding the access path for Columnar queries #2
(Mark Gillis) In my last blog ( http://db2geek.triton.co.uk/finding-access-path-columnar-queries ) I was reiterating the case for columnar data storage but bemoaning the lack of any means to see in the access path how the data is being retrieved.
Db2 V12 on z/OS: New Features Support Big Data – Part 1
(Lockwood Lyon) Most initial big data applications provided by vendors were limited to a proprietary hybrid hardware/software bundle that was said to “need no tuning”. Since then, big data has matured to the point that installations are an important part of a federated data store that includes the e
SQL Tuning for Developers – Part 1
(Tony Andrews) I find when it comes to tuning a query, program, or even an application that most developers are not sure where to begin or what may be causing response time issue(s). Many relational tuning experts agree that the majority of performance problems with applications that access a relat
Db2 12 for z/OS: Enhanced Lock Avoidance in Data Sharing Environments
(Robert Catterall) In the last entry posted to this blog, I described the mechanisms (including PUNC bits and commit log sequence numbers, aka CLSNs) used by Db2 for z/OS for lock avoidance purposes (lock avoidance here refers to a capability whereby Db2 can, in many cases, verify the committed stat
Sharing Box Content in IBM Content Navigator
(Stephen Cleasby) Collaboration is a popular approach to delivering global solutions. If Box Share is enabled, you can select a document to share, and IBM Content Navigator creates a link to the specific version of the document. You can send the link to other people if you specify one or more email
Use Db2 as Cloud SQL Database with Python
(Henrik Loeser) Over the Summer I learned that Python is top in the IEEE programming languages ranking. It is also my favorite language for quickly coding tools, web apps and analyzing data with notebooks (e.g., on IBM Data Science Experience).
Tutorial Part 1 – Transaction Logging and Buffer Pool Page Cleaning
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) Tutorial Part 1 – Transaction Logging and Buffer Pool Page Cleaning
IT Through the Looking Glass
(Craig S. Mullins) Sometimes I look for inspiration in what may seem — at first glance — to be odd places. For example, I think the Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland” books offer sage advice for the IT industry.
TechTip: SQL2XLSX – The Starter Kit
(Giuseppe Costagliola) It’s been over a decade since I presented two utilities that gave you the ability to create XLS worksheets from an SQL instruction in System i. Now it’s time to present a revamped version of these utilities, the new SQL2XLSX command that will allow you to create XLSX worksheet