(Neil Delima and Ali Manji) This article is the second part in a two-part series that describes the steps to combine Weather Data and Business Rules IBM Cloud services to automate operational business decisions based on weather conditions. The motivation for doing this arises from the premise that w
Tag: IBM
Db2 for z/OS: Opportunities for CPU Efficiency When Data Clustering is not a Priority
(Robert Catterall) Not long ago, a veteran Db2 for z/OS DBA contacted me with an interesting question. He had, in the system he supported, a table with a clustering index, and he wanted to know how he could get Db2 to act, with regard to INSERT operations and also with regard to executions of the RE
Practical RPG: A Utility Program to Build On
(Joe Pluta) In recent articles, we’ve focused on APIs. Prior to that, we explored a lot of techniques involving embedded SQL.
How to create a Date Series in DB2
(Jack Vamvas) Question: How can I create a Date Series in DB2 LUW. e.g. 01-01-2017 to 30-01-2017 . ?
All Application Languages Can Access Db2 z/OS
(Dave Beulke) Almost all application languages can use Db2 for z/OS. It surprises me when discussing the Db2 interfaces with management, architects, application managers and developers that they are not aware of wide variety, new languages and interfaces available to Db2 for z/OS and Db2 LUW.
IBM CICS Asynchronous API: Concurrent Processing Made Simple
(Pradeep Gohil, Julian Horn, Jenny He, Anthony Papageorgiou and Chris Poole) This IBM Redbooks publication covers the background and implementation of the IBM CICS asynchronous API, which is a simple, accessible API that is designed to enable CICS application developers to create efficient asynchron
The Evolution of Compression: Db2 12
(Troy L Coleman) This is the final post in my series on the evolution of compression with Db2 for z/OS. Read the previous posts covering Db2 8, Db2 9, Db2 10 and Db2 11.
Analyzing IoT device movement data
(Dirk Schober) This tutorial is based on the Harlem Shake game that Romeo Kienzler developed and presented in his tutorial titled Create a fun, simple IoT accelerometer game.
The DB2Night Show #200: IBM Db2 V11 Performance: BLU Hits and Misses!
(Scott) 100% of our audience learned something! Based on his popular IDUG Lisbon Db2 technical session, Mark covered an overview of BLU, examples of workload performance in Db2 V10.5, the benefits of Db2 V11 for some workloads, showed examples of BLU savings, and shared a few BLU gotchas. If you’re
Explore your project with Jupyter Notebooks and deploy it to the Python Package index
(Noah Gift) In Part 1 of this series, you created the basic structure of a data science project and downloaded the data programmatically from GitHub, transforming it to be statistically analyzed with pandas.