(Craig S. Mullins) DBAs are tasked with various and disparate responsibilities that consume their day. I’ve written DBA roles and responsibilities (What Does a DBA Do?) here on the blog before, so if you need a refresher, check out the link and meet us back here to hear about automating and simplify
Tag: IBM
Exploring IBM Db2 for z/OS Continuous Delivery
(Chris Crone) This IBM Redpaper publication provides key information about continuous delivery in IBM Db2 12 for z/OS. It discusses how continuous delivery works and the changes that have been made in Db2 12 to support continuous delivery, such as adding a new catalog table and changing existing cat
We get by without a DB2 DBA, why would I need RemoteDBA?
There are several reasons why an organisation may feel that they can’t justify the cost of an in-house DB2 DBA.
Data lakes and data swamps
(Vinay R. Rao) The data lake concept has been in existence for a few years now. It initially attracted some controversy and was labeled marketing hype. The term data lake wasn’t part of any traditional data-storage architecture, so vendors freely used it to mean many different things.
Data and prediction through classification
(M. Tim Jones) A key value that you can extract from raw data is the ability to build a model you can use for prediction or classification. Applying this model, you can translate an observation into a prediction or classification that has obvious value.
Data Modeling Enhances Metadata Management
(Craig S. Mullins) I have been saying for quite some time now that a resurgence in metadata management should be a component of every IT organization. In the 1980s metadata management, data dictionaries, and repositories were all the rage for a period of time.
3 signs your database may be out of date
(James Honey) For decades, a company’s database usually had a single job: operating as either an operational — also known as transactional — database or acting as a data warehouse. It was also typically deployed in a single location: on premises.
developerWorks Blog Provides Db2 for z/OS Updates
(Troy L Coleman) I’ve recently found a great resource of news and information about Db2 for z/OS. IBM’s “Db2 for z/OS News from the Lab” provides regular update about new capabilities and enhancements in Db2 for z/OS Version 12 (as well as DB2 11).
On Leaky Pipes and DBAs
(Craig S. Mullins) I was working in my backyard a couple of weekends ago, trying to find the cause of a leak. You see, there was a big puddle of water in the backyard, it hadn’t rained lately, and it was larger than the sprinklers could’ve made.
IBM PowerAI: Deep Learning Unleashed on IBM Power Systems Servers
(Dino Quintero, Bing He, Bruno C. Faria, Alfonso Jara, Chris Parsons, Shota Tsukamoto and Richard Wale) This IBM Redbooks publication is a guide about the IBM PowerAI Deep Learning solution.