(Craig S. Mullins) One of the most important new “features” of Db2 12 for z/OS is continuous delivery. With continuous delivery more functionality will be made available more quickly than ever before. Instead of waiting for big version migrations new function levels can be applied rapidly, thereby d
Tag: IBM
ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 10
(Lydia Parziale, Alvaro Salla and Patrick Oughton) The ABCs of z/OS System Programming is an 13-volume collection that provides an introduction to the z/OS operating system and the hardware architecture. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced system programmer, the ABCs collection provides the
Guru: Use SQL To Find Duplicate Source Code
(Ted Holt) According to Brian Tracy, “good habits are hard to develop but easy to live with; bad habits are easy to develop but hard to live with. The habits you have and the habits that have you will determine almost everything you achieve or fail to achieve.” This is as true in programming as in a
Balancing protection and data access for AI modeling
Val Bercovici, Founder and CEO of PencilDATA, explains that before companies train AI software using the data they’ve collected, they have to be certain that the data is authentic, that it has been cleansed, that the people behind the datapoints have been honest in their answers.
Db2 for z/OS: CACHEPAC is Another ZPARM You Should Check
(Robert Catterall) Sometimes, the default value of a Db2 ZPARM parameter is changed to reflect new realities of Db2 workloads and of systems on which Db2 for z/OS runs.
Build an advanced Cloud Foundry app on the IBM Cloud platform
(Doug Tidwell) In this video, I show you how to take the Cloud Foundry app you created in Part 1 to the next level. First you’ll set up your machine to run the app locally.
A New Addition to the IBM z Trial Program
(Troy L Coleman) I’m sometimes asked about options for getting hands on experience with Db2 for z/OS. Basically, I know of only one option, but it’s an excellent one: the IBM z Trial Program.
Watson for i: Watson Conversation Can Generate Chatbots and Virtual Agents for Your Business, Part I
(John Ghrist) By using its combination of speech-to-text and natural-language comprehension skills, Watson Conversation is capable of helping create chat applications and virtual customer service agents that can handle many routine operations in those areas.
Making Data Simple: Faster data science
How is data science changing with the availability of high-performance data platforms? Vikram Murali, director of IBM Integrated Analytics Systems and Db2 Event Store development, Jay Wentworth, STSM of appliance architecture, and Thomas Chu, director of offering management and hybrid data, join Al
How to innovate your DB2 for z/OS utility environment
(Calene Janacek) The concept of automating routine database tasks is not new. It has been theorized, discussed and written about for several decades. But, true self-managing or autonomic capabilities have been slow to be developed and adopted and put into practice use.