(Robert Catterall) Sometimes, a change in the way Db2 for z/OS manages its resources is introduced, and the change “flies under the radar” (i.e, it escapes the notice of most Db2 users) because it is relatively small in terms of scope and impact and is not widely highlighted in the product documenta
Tag: IBM
A hybrid approach to integrating Watson Assistant into an existing site
(Kenn Roberson and Jon Temple) Watson Assistant, formerly known as Watson Conversation, provides an excellent technical foundation for building applications that can understand and respond using natural language, such as messaging channels, web applications, or virtual assistants.
How to pack serverless Python actions
(Henrik Loeser) For my tutorial on automated data retrieval and analytics, I use IBM Cloud Functions to automatically fetch GitHub traffic statistics once a day.
A Small Intro to Big Data, Part 4: Are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence the Same Thing?
(Rafael Victória-Pereira) I’ve been asked this question many times recently. The short answer is yes…and no. Keep reading to get a grasp on these two very important concepts and get to the long answer.
IBM Redbook: Db2 12 for z Optimizer
(Troy L Coleman) I was recently asked about the Db2 zparm, NPGTHRSH. Admittedly, I knew little about it. The first place I always go to learn about zparms is the Db2 installation and migration manual.
Can We Say ‘Agile’ and ‘Db2 for IBM z/OS’ in the Same Sentence?
(Jim Dee) The term “DevOps” is occupying a lot of space in articles, presentations, and blogs lately. But it doesn’t apply to the mainframe or Db2 on z/OS… or does it?
The Db2 12 for z/OS Blog Series – Part 22: Function Levels 501 and 502 (Continuous Delivery)
(Craig S. Mullins) If you have heard anything about Db2 Version 12 chances are that you have heard about continuous delivery. Instead of waiting 2 to 3 years for a new version of Db2 to be released, new functionality will be continuously delivered on a regular basis.
Fast index traversal – a Db2 12 greatest hit with John Campbell
(John Campbell and Paul McWilliams) Fast index traversal is one of the the most important new performance features in Db2 12 for z/OS. It is an in-memory index performance optimization that enables Db2 to do fast index lookup, by avoiding expensive index B-tree traversal.
DB2 for z/OS New Function Watch – V12R1M502 is here
(Julian Stuhler) The advent of DB2 12 for z/OS brought with it a fundamental change in the way that IBM is delivering new DB2 capabilities.
Making Data Simple: My career helping to build Db2 with Matt Huras
On this special episode, we sit down with one of the Db2 legends, Matt Huras. He’s a chief architect for Db2 LUW, an IBM Master Inventor with 54 granted U.S. patents, a prolific public speaker and member of the International Db2 Users Group Hall of Fame.