(David Shirey) If you’ve been able to find a preview for the hot tech initiatives for 2019 that doesn’t list Artificial Intelligence (AI) at least once (and probably as item number 1), then you’re luckier than I. If that’s the sort of luck you’re looking for, that is.
Tag: IBM
Db2 Recursive SQL in the Real-World
(Daniel Luksetich) You can find a ton of articles about recursive SQL dating back as early as 2004, but for this article I was asked to provide actual real-world situations where recursive SQL was put to use. In all of the situations it was a great success! First, however, a refresher.
5 THINK Conference Dreams, Themes, and Details
(Dave Beulke) As I said before the IBM THINK conference was an interesting event. Having several different presentation venues, picking sessions to attend made planning your day and travel between sessions/venues a challenge.
Db2 for z/OS: Isolating REST Client Activity in Db2 Monitor Accounting Reports
(Robert Catterall) In an entry posted to this blog some years ago, I described the form of a Db2 monitor-generated accounting report that I most like to use to get an overall view of application activity in a Db2 for z/OS environment: an accounting long report with data ordered by connection type (h
Data Masking in the World of GDPR
(Lockwood Lyon) Your production database environment stores personally identifiable information in an encrypted form, limits access to these fields and masks them when displayed.
You can prevent the creation of new deprecated objects in Db2 12 function level 504
(Chris Crone and Paul McWilliams) Db2 12 function level 504 (activation enabled by Db2 12 APAR PH07672) introduces a step in the evolution of existing Db2 for z/OS infrastructure—the capability to prevent, if you want to, the creation of the following deprecated object types in your Db2 12 for z/OS
Installing Db2 the Easy Way: Docker
(Ian Bjorhovde) As DBAs, one of the tasks that we do on a fairly regular basis is install new Db2 code on the database server.
Guru Classic: A Bevy of BIFs, %XLATE and %REPLACE
(Jon Paris) Author’s Note: I’m revisiting this classic tip since the original was written back in 2009, long before the introduction of free-form data declarations. In addition, I’ve updated this tip to point to the new %SCANRPL BIF, which impacts this scenario.
Digital ethics, trusted AI and IBM
(Henrik Loeser) Last week I gave a talk followed by a discussion at a university. The presentation was about the current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI research topics. A good chunk of the discussion was dedicated to fairness, trust and digital ethics. In the following, I am sharing so
The DB2Night Show #212: Db2 LUW SQL Tuning; Find, Fix, and Prevent Problems
(Scott) 100% of our audience learned something!Klaas gave us another amazing presentation! From monitoring commands to utility recommendations, Klaas covered it all! Watch our replay to learn MON_GET queries, OS commands, configuration settings, and best practices for making your Db2 SQL run crazy f