(Ember Crooks) I still remember this meeting when I had been a DBA for less than a year at IBM. It was IBM, so I was the lone primary DBA for this internal client.
Tag: IBM
The DB2Night Show #216: Db2 LUW Problem Determination Class (3hr)
100% of our HUGE audience learned something! In show #211, Pavel shared his favorite Db2 problem determination tricks. In our special Season #10 finale, Pavel teaches his full THREE HOUR problem determination class covering his tricks, best practices, and various techniques for chasing down a variet
Working with Db2 copies …on Windows
(Luke Numrych) According to one of the definitions from the UrbanDictionary, adding the words “in bed” to any sentence can make that sentence “more interesting”. I
Announcing Db2 12 function level 505!
(Paul_McWilliams) We’re proud to announce that Db2 12 for z/OS function level 505 becomes available for activation when you apply APAR PH09191. Function level 505 introduces the following new capabilities in Db2 12 for z/OS.
There’s Never Been a Better Time to Install Db2 Web Query Version 2.2.1!
(Doug Mack) Whether you’re entering your summer fun months or getting prepared for winter, it’s a really good time to start thinking about getting your Db2 Web Query environment up to the latest level!
IBM Hybrid Solution for Scalable Data Solutions using IBM Spectrum Scale
This document is intended to facilitate the deployment of the scalable hybrid cloud solution for data agility and collaboration using IBM Spectrum Scale across multiple public clouds.
Digital Transformation and Database Scalability
(Craig S. Mullins) Today’s business systems are undergoing a revolutionary transformation to work within the digital economy.
Why analysts are hailing Db2 11.5 as the database for AI
(Kevin Oliver) Over the past several months, IBM has been spotlighting what’s possible when databases are infused with AI capabilities.
Relative page numbers for PBR table spaces – a Db2 12 greatest hit
(Haakon Roberts and Paul McWilliams) In Db2 12, we introduced a new capability to use relative page numbers (RPN) for partition-by-range (PBR) universal table spaces (UTS).
Introduction to Db2 12 for z/OS
(Stephen Watts) One of the most valuable resources for modern businesses is data. Data increases its relevancy as technology continues to make strides in the storage, management, and utilization of immense amounts of information.