(Peter Hartmann) One of the major challenges for RUNSTATS is the sampling of the data rows e.g. for calculation of the COLCARD value in SYSIBM.SYSCOLSTATS and SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS.
Tag: IBM
Transferring ownership of Db2 objects
(Gayathiri Chandran) There is a demand for a way to change the ownership of Db2 objects from one user to another.
Comparing Db2 free edition with its competitors
(Klaas Brant) Db2 Developer edition is the free edition of the Db2 for Linux / Unix / Windows database. Unlike Microsoft and Oracle express offerings, DB2 Developer edition does allow for a large size (100GB) database and can use up to 16GB of memory.
Rotating service credentials for IBM Cloud Functions
(Henrik Loeser) If you have followed some of my work, you know that I use IBM Cloud Functions, i.e., a serverless approach, for many projects.
Db2 Architecture Overview and BLU
Here is Keri Romanufa with a presentation covering the architecture of Db2, including what is new with Db2 11.5
Guru: Finding Large Files With Python
(Mike Larsen) It’s always a good idea to purge files that aren’t needed any longer. Chances are that you already have procedures in place to purge data from Db2 files and tables, but what about files that reside in the IFS?
Authorizations required for Db2 utilities using FlashCopy
(Florence Dubois and Paul McWilliams) The Db2 for z/OS development SWAT team recommends using FlashCopy as a best practice for non-disruptive consistency checks with the Db2 CHECK INDEX, CHECK DATA, CHECK LOB SHRLVL CHANGE utilities.
A (Very) Quick Intro to Cloud Computing
(Craig S. Mullins) Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of on your own computers. The “cloud” is a metaphor for the Internet.
Retrieval of current DSNZPARM and DSNHDECP settings
(Peter Hartmann) With DB2 Version 9.1 for z/OS a new system supplied stored procedure SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM was delivered.
Lightning Fast I/O via zHyperLink and Db2 for z/OS Exploitation
(Akiko Hoshikawa) As the size of database and the volume of transactions increase, many of Db2 transactions tend to spend significant amount of wait time in database read and log write I/Os.