(Craig S. Mullins) Before implementing a database of any kind, a sound model of the data needs to be developed. This process, known as data modeling, requires an analysis of the things of interest to your organization and how those things are related to each other.
Tag: IBM
Guru: MERGE, Chicken, And Eggs
(Ted Holt) Which came first: the chicken or the egg? I don’t have time to ponder such trivialities.
Db2 12 for z/OS – Let’s Talk About MAXDBAT in ZPARM
(Robert Catterall) “ZPARMs” is a reference to the parameters in the Db2 for z/OS module called DSNZPARM – these are essentially the configuration parameters for a Db2 subsystem.
While creating Db2 source – “Security mechanism not supported” OR ‘InvalidAlgorithmParameterException while initializing EncryptionManager’ error is displayed.
(Deepa Pargaonkar) PROBLEM: The following error messages might be displayed while adding a Db2 data source by using IBM Cloud Application Business Insights:
Running Db2 for z/OS utilities from the application programs (DSNUTILU as a piece of DevOps)
(Emil Kotrc) How to automate Db2 for z/OS utility jobs from application programs? Have you considered DSNUTILU stored procedure as a part of DevOps?
Using disk tiebreaker for HADR with TSA configuration
(Jun Su Lee) If you prefer to use a disk device as quorum, you can do that for Db2 HADR ( High availability disaster recovery ) and TSA (Tivoli System Automation) configuration.
Implementing a Database Infrastructure
(Craig S. Mullins) I recently received a question about how to put together a database environment from scratch. This is a quick question that requires an in-depth answer — usually moreso than can adequately be explained over email or texting.
Db2 and JCL 72 characters
(Peter Hartmann) Sometimes it is useful to generate JCL executable code for //SYSIN via SQL mass operations, e.g. change specific tables from one option to another.
Best practices: Monitor and control Db2 system resources with profile tables
(Adrian Burke and Paul McWilliams) In Db2 for z/OS you can use the profile monitoring capability to monitor or limit resource consumption by distributed database facility (DDF) workloads.
DevOps and Db2 for z/OS
(Craig Mullins) Why have agile development and DevOps techniques been adopted for software development over long-standing techniques like the waterfall approach?