(Robert Ferin) The FlexID panel is included with IBM Datacap and allows manual identification of documents. While the panel provided with the install is generic and allows use with any application, the panel source is provided here to allow user-specific customization of the panel.
Tag: IBM
Implementing Big Data Solutions – Scaling Out
(Lockwood Lyon) Implementation day for big data solutions is an important one for grocers, retailers, manufacturers, shipping companies and financial institutions. Millions of customers will buy billions of products, many of which will be purchased electronically and delivered to customers’ homes or
How to Navigate Bluemix – My Starter Guide
(Henrik Loeser) Coming from a product like DB2 with a focus on operational and feature stability, consistency and high availability, and now working with a product or, better, platform like Bluemix feels like an entirely different world.
DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL1024N
(Ember Crooks) SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
Lunch Event March 3rd: #zIBM (Mainframes!) for Data Architects and Data Scientists
(Frank Fillmore) Kim has just returned from IBM’s annual “z Bootcamp” where they prepare their System z sellers for the upcoming year with a series of product updates, announcements and education.
The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 2: Optimize vs. Limited Fetch
(Craig S. Mullins) Welcome to Part 2 in my on-going blog series on The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2. In Part 1 of the series we tackled the topic of locking, which IMHO is easily the most misunderstood feature of DB2 (probably of most DBMSes).
IBM Bluemix can be an aswer to the Parse developers
(A.Nartovich) When Facebook acquired Parse (MBaaS provider) back in 2013, it planned on growing its business by tapping into a different market – mobile app development. However, things started to change. The Facebook advertising platform has been doing very well lately.
How IBM leads in building big data analytics solutions in the cloud
(Manav Gupta, Mandy Chessell, Gopal Indurkhya, Heather Kreger and Anshu Kak) Creating solutions and architectures that harness the value and power of big data and cloud can give your company a competitive advantage, spark new innovations, and increase revenues. The Cloud Standards Customer Council’s
DB2 Certification Preparation for IDUG NA 2016
(Troy L Coleman) It’s not too early to plan on attending IDUG DB2 Tech Conference in Austin, Texas, May 23-26. If you are going to the conference, you should consider taking a DB2 certification test. One of the great benefits of attending IDUG is that IBM sponsors up to two certifications to help at
Building WebRTC services with WebSphere Liberty, Tomcat and WildFly
(Jim Williams) Advances in web technologies are having a dramatic effect on the capabilities that developers can now deliver to end-users. New features in HTML5 (e.g., data storage, canvas, video and audio) are giving developers a much richer set of tools to build applications with.