(Roman Kharkovski) QUOTE:”… IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by migrating from open source Java EE application servers to WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Liberty.
Tag: IBM
Implementing Big Data Solutions – Purge and Archive
(Lockwood Lyon) As noted previously, your big data application solution will only get bigger. Typically a big data application will store data over different time periods, allowing analysis of trends over time. Data acquired today must be accumulated and stored in order to answer questions tomorrow.
Understanding the Complexity of Time Travel
(Daniel Luksetich) I like to joke that time travel in SQL is fraught with peril, kind of like that movie when the guy goes back in time. If you recall the movie then you’ll remember that he ends up traveling back in time and kissing his own mother!
The Page Residency Time Metric
(Troy L Coleman) During my years as a DB2 systems programmer, I spent time tuning buffer pools. A key metric I’d use is buffer pool hit ratio, which is a measure of how often a page access (a getpage) is satisfied without requiring an I/O operation.
Auditing Informix database connections
(Inge Halilovic) Preserving integrity of information and managing compliance control across heterogeneous environments is becoming increasingly critical.
VersaStack Solution by Cisco and IBM with IBM DB2, IBM Spectrum Control, and IBM Spectrum Protect
(Jon Tate, Vadi Bhatt, Sanjeev Naldurgkar, Filip Van Den Neucker and Asher Pemberton) Dynamic organizations want to accelerate growth while reducing costs. To do so, they must speed the deployment of business applications and adapt quickly to any changes in priorities. Organizations require an IT in
Building A Basic IT Library
(Craig S. Mullins) Printed words on dead trees is still my preferred way to read about IT topics. I am a huge fan of technical books and I house a library of hundreds of them in my home office. I believe that there is no better mechanism for digging in and learning a new subject than to wrap your ha
IBM API Connect sets a new API Management standard
(Cesar Saavedra) On February 16, 2016, IBM announced IBM API Connect V5.0 extending the capabilities of its API Management offering to include microservices.
Using the new DB2 for z/OS Temporal Special Registers
(Claire McFeely) “As time goes by…..” DB2 for z/OS continues to enhance support for temporal data. Since the availability of the initial temporal support with DB2 10 for z/OS, the functionality has been extended several times. The subject of this article is one of the temporal extensions, the tempor
IBM Bluemix Admin Console Command Line (CLI) Installation
(Pas Apicella) The IBM Bluemix Dedicated/Local Administration Console also includes support for CLI to enable common management tasks to be performed using the Cloud Foundry Command Line by adding a plugin to enable support for it’s commands.