(Amit P. Acharya, Tom Bal, Chris Clark, Addison Goering, David Graesser, Angelo Littera, Marcelo Manhaes and Gregory Scott) This IBM Redbooks publication takes you on a hybrid cloud journey with IBM PureApplication System and PureApplication Service: from the what, over the why, and to the how. We o
Tag: IBM
Statement-Level Control of DB2 for z/OS Query Parallelization
(Robert Catterall) I’m writing about this now because of the increased interest I’ve seen, at various DB2 for z/OS sites, in using DB2 query parallelization as a means of boosting zIIP engine utilization when — and this often happens during nighttime hours — workloads that typically drive consumpt
The DB2Night Show #171: DB2’s GOT TALENT -Round 1
(Scott) Most of our studio audience learned something! We have a new format for our contest this year! Contestants only present ONE time, up to seven minutes, in hopes of earning votes from the DB2 community, their peers, and friends. Voting is achieved by simply LIKING videos on YouTube.
Using Apache Spark with DB2 for z/OS and z Systems Data
(Joe Geller) Apache Spark has become a very hot topic in the world of Big Data Analytics. It is seen as an alternative to Map/Reduce with superior performance due to more in-memory processing, and as a means to perform analytics that combine a wide set of data sources.
Building a Solution? The Cloud Architecture Center has Blueprints
(Henrik Loeser) Remember the days when a simple text client and a small database server were the core enterprise solution? These days data flows from various endpoints to data lakes or data reservoirs, data streams are analyzed in real time to trade stacks, prevent fraud, to react to sensor data.
SQL indexes and native I/O – no contradiction
(Birgitta Hauser) Native I/O is widely used in RPG and COBOL programs for getting access to the data stored in the database. Data access is mostly performed with the help of data description specifications (DDS) keyed physical and logical files.
DB2 11 for z/OS Comes of Age
(Julian Stuhler) It’s easy to think of DB2 11 for z/OS as still being the new kid on the block, but it actually became Generally Available back in October 2013 – Miley Cyrus was getting plenty of airtime with Wrecking Ball and the movie Gravity was expertly inducing vertigo in audiences all around t
DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL0968C
(Ember Crooks) This is frequently an error that is returned to an application and reported simply as -968
The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 4: Base Table Views
(Craig S. Mullins) Welcome to my continuing series focusing on The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2. Today’s topic is an oldie but a goodie: base table views.
Practical SQL: VALUES and DB2 Services
(Joe Pluta) In a previous article, I introduced you to a powerful SQL statement, VALUES. This statement allows you to write a single line of code in an SQLRPGLE program to execute an SQL statement or function and return the result to your program.