(Hernando Bedoya, Fredy Cruz, Daniel Lema and Satid Singkorapoom) Procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions (UDFs) are the key database features for developing robust and distributed applications. IBM DB2 Universal Database for i (iSeries) supported these features for many years, and they wer
Tag: IBM
The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 5: Choosing the Clustering Key
(Craig S. Mullins) Hello everybody, and welcome to part 5 in my on-going series where we take a look at The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2. You can find the earlier installments in this series here (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4).
DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL0964C
(Ember Crooks) SQL0964C The transaction log for the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011
Build a DB2 for z/OS mobile application using DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect, Part 2: Consume a DB2 Adapter service
(Jane Man and Clement Leung) To create effective, enterprise-ready mobile applications, you need to make the back-end data easier to consume. APIs in IBM DB2 Adapter for z/OS expose DB2 for z/OS functionality to applications. In Part 2 of the series, learn how to build a mobile application using IB
DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS V5 introduces new use cases with accelerator-only tables
(Peter Bendel) DB2 Analytics Accelerator V5.1 is available now.
DB2 LUW Import from /dev/null, Restore and Rollforward
(Pavan Kristipati) In an earlier blog post, we looked at recovering data after ‘TRUNCATE’ operation. In this blog post, we will look at recovering data after using ‘import’ command to quickly get rid of data.
Managing the Big Data Technical Staff – Data Acquisition Support
(Lockwood Lyon) Big data is everywhere, and most large IT enterprises have installed one or more big data applications. These applications provide fast access to large stores of data, usually customer or sales data.
RESTful Software Installation on z/OS
(Troy L Coleman) Traditionally, the mainframe hasn’t been viewed as a platform for modern software development. Of course the reality is that IBM z Systems has embraced an array of new technologies over the past several years, while at the same time strengthening its already-world class availability
Services on Parade: LIBRARY_LIST_INFO
(Mike Cain) Recenty, my teammate Mr. Jim Denton was sharing a common issue (or maybe it was a complaint) that some of our DB2 for i users have; namely, how to figure out which database object actually got opened when you have unqualified references to a table or view.
SQL Procedures, Triggers, and Functions on DB2 for i
(Jim Bainbridge, Hernando Bedoya, Rob Bestgen, Mike Cain, Dan Cruikshank, Jim Denton, Doug Mack, Tom McKinley and Simona Pacchiarini) SQL procedures, triggers, and functions also known as User Defined Functions(UDFs) are the key database features for developing robust and distributed applications. D