(Keith Winnard, Scott P. Engleman, John Plew, Gary S. Puchkoff and Marna L. Walle) Consumer expectations rose with the advent of the digital age, and are likely to continue to rise as technologies continue their advancement.
Tag: IBM
Use IBM’s Business Value Assessment (BVA) for your middleware investments
(Krishna Kilambi) IBM offers its customers an offering called the Business Value Assessment (BVA) at no charge which provides a proven methodology and process to build a business case for justification for their software investments.
ENOMEM by db2fmp in db2diag.log
(Ember Crooks) I can’t remember the last time a ulimit bit me, but the time has come again. Everyone is used to removing all the limits for the instance ID at this point, I hope, but have you ever considered the ulimits for your fenced user id?
Managing the Big Data Technical Staff – A Summary
(Lockwood Lyon) Managing the technical staff usually consists of prioritizing tasks and assigning them to available resources. However, the advent of big data applications and the expanded job responsibilities mentioned in this article will lead inevitably to expanded job descriptions and required s
TechTip : Embedded SQL – Easy String Manipulation Using SQL Functions
(Sumit Goyal) Embedding SQL in RPG gives RPG the great power not only to handle database operations but also to perform string manipulation. For string manipulation, RPG provides some very basic functions, such as %TRIM, %SUBST, %SCAN, and %REPLACE.
CeBIT: Goldsmith in the Hybrid Cloud – How to Create Value from Enterprise Data
(Henrik Loeser) Data, data, data. There is a lot of data, data already stored or archived, and data about to be produced, generated, measured, or even missing data. But there is not always value in the accessible data, even though data is considered the new gold.
DB2 Tips n Tricks Part 84 – How DB2 is not logging Start Time for Archival of Transaction Log Files
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) How DB2 is not logging Start Time for Archival of Transaction Log Files
REST management interface and IBM DataPower Gateway: Part 3: File and directory management
(Anna Derbakova) This tutorial series explains how to use the REST management interface to manage and monitor the configuration of IBM DataPower Gateway appliances. It describes the functions, structure, and capabilities of the REST management interface, as implemented in firmware release
How to reconfigure DB2 after a Windows Hostname change
(Jack Vamvas) If DB2 LUW is installed on a Windows server and there is a Windows Server host name , the services supporting DB2 will not start. Some changes need to be made to allow DB2 to start.
Real time to value with migration planning
(John Donaldson) I have blogged about technology migrations and our migration services a couple of times and I come back to this topic again because every enterprise needs to address the issue of migrating at some point or another. In today’s ultra fast world new technologies are introduced daily to