(Deepak Kohli) IBM Information Management System (IMS) applications and data are the core of critical online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads for many of the world’s major organizations. This operational data, when analyzed properly, forms the basis for making better decisions by organization
Tag: IBM
DB2 Tips n Tricks Part 85 – How Archive Log Start End Time in List History is counter intuitive
(Harishkumar Baburao Pathangay) How Archive Log Start End Time in List History Output is counter intuitive
DB2 fix : SQL0575N View or materialized query table cannot be used because it has been marked inoperative
(Jack Vamvas) A user reported the following error , when executing a SELECT statement on a VIEW.
Temporary storage and the database – Part 1
(Tim Clark) A healthy IBM DB2 workload needs temporary storage to perform efficiently. Understanding and managing this storage is the key to keep your system running effectively. This article describes five important temporary storage types that the SQL Query Engine (SQE) uses on IBM i.
IBM Bluemix Secure Gateway Service with Oracle
(Pas Apicella) I previously blogged about using the IBM Bluemix Secure Gateway Service as follows
Embed reference data in IBM ODM decision service implementations
(Pierre Berlandier and Matt Voss) Make reference data available to business rules at run time by embedding the data with the artifacts that are deployed to the Rule Execution Server in IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM).
Cloud TCO calculator for WebSphere App Server
(Roman Kharkovski) Most of IBM customers are now using cloud in one way or the other. However not many have done a detailed analysis of the true cost of the implementation.
Big News About DB2 11 for z/OS Certification
(Troy L Coleman) IBM just made available a new DB2 for z/OS certification test, DB2 11 Fundamentals for z/OS (C2090-320). To put it mildly, this is great news.
Evaluating Data Warehouse Platforms
(Craig S. Mullins) I just completed a four part series of articles for TechTarget on data warehousing and the platforms that are used to implement data warehouses.
Big Data Architecture
(Lockwood Lyon) The next few years will be critical for the information technology staff, as they attempt to integrate and manage multiple, diverse hardware and software platforms. This article addresses how to meet this need, as users demand greater ability to analyze ever-growing mountains of data