(George Owen) In this video tutorial, you see step-by-step how you can apply middleware maintenance on IBM PureApplication System by using IBM Installation Manager. First, you go through the contents and structure of the IBM Installation Manager repository.
Tag: IBM
DB2 for z/OS: Should You Do Some Buffer Pool Consolidation?
(Robert Catterall) 19, 19, 23, 26. Know what these numbers have in common? They indicate the number of 4K buffer pools allocated for four different production DB2 for z/OS subsystems that I analyzed over the past couple of years.
The last word on the status of SYNONYMS in DB2 for z/OS
(Willie Favero) It turns out that my posting on April 16, 2016 discussing SYNONYMS being un-deprecated was a bit premature. Please ignore the contents of that post.
Send and receive SOAP messages with large attachments in IBM Integration Bus
(David Crighton and Mohab El-Hilaly) This tutorial explains how to send and receive SOAP messages with large attachments in IBM Integration Bus by using the HTTPRequest node. It describes the built-in size limits of the various data types in IBM Integration Bus. It also highlights several approaches
How to redirect zip to another folder
(Jack Vamvas) Question: When attempting to use gzip on Linux and zip the file – I tried by going to another folder and completing the gzip command as normal. As an example:
*FREE* IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) Hands-on Training
(Kim May) DB2 Gold Consultant Frank Fillmore will deliver a free, hands-on IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) class at the IBM offices in Chicago at 71 South Wacker Drive on Monday and Tuesday, June 6th and 7th.
IDUG NA Conference Reminder
(Troy L Coleman) I’m very excited about the upcoming IDUG DB2 Tech Conference for North America. Though DB2 for z/OS 12 doesn’t have an official release date, it will be prominent of discussion at the conference.
(Willie Favero) “HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM”* I think that misquote from the Apollo 13 movie is perfect for today’s blog post.
Access Path Stability in DB2 for z/OS
(David Simpson and Linda Claussen) There has been quite a bit of attention paid to the access path stability features of DB2 for z/OS since they first appeared in DB2 9. Enhancements have followed in each subsequent release. This article will discuss these features.
The DB2Night Show z68: DB2 for z/OS Trusted Contexts and Roles
(Martin) 100% of our studio audience learned something!Cristian provided valuable tips and insight into trusted contexts and roles, including their definition and configuration.