(Lockwood Lyon) Most IT enterprises installed big data applications and realized at least some actionable intelligence. Analysis of customer transactions led to better product marketing and deep analysis of product sales across geographies led to better shipping, marketing, and sales decisions, all
Tag: IBM
Using Predicate Selectivity Overrides
(Troy L Coleman) Back in 2011, I wrote a series of posts about the evolution of optimization hints and the new DB2 10 statement-level optimization hints (here, here and here).
Another Look at Tuning Big Data Queries — Big Data Users
(Lockwood Lyon) Who are your users, and how do they query your data? The typical user is a business analyst and subject matter expert who understands your business data and has the technical knowledge to access the big data application intelligently and efficiently.
Data Summit: A Trip Report
(Craig S. Mullins) Last week I had the pleasure of attending, and speaking at, the annual Data Summit event in New York City. The event, sponsored by Database Trends & Applications, boasted knowledge-packed days of presentations on all things data.
The DB2Night Show #179: DB2 LUW V11.1 Deep Dive on OLTP and pureScale
(Scott) 100% of our audience learned something! As a follow up to our 15 April 2016 show Episode #177 that provided a broad overview of “What’s New” in DB2 LUW V11.1, our special guests @db2steve, @xun_ca, and @RomanufaKeri gave us a deep dive that focused on new features and capabilities related to
IBM Financial Transaction Manager on z Systems
(Saran K Bommakanti, Michael Dircz and Kenneth Muckenhaupt) The IBM Financial Transaction Manager (FTM) on IBM z Systems platforms is an industry software package that manages, orchestrates, and monitors commercial and consumer financial transactions. It provides the functionality to create and coll
The case of the missing numeric ip format in TSM TCPCLIENTADDRESS
(Jack Vamvas) As part of the DB2 clustering solution using Tivoli Storage Automation(TSA) there were some customisations required to make the monitoring and backup procedures “cluster aware”.
Another Look at Tuning Big Data Queries
(Lockwood Lyon) Most large organizations have implemented one or more big data applications. As they accumulate more and more financial transactions, sales data and customer interactions they can generate more accurate sales forecasts and predict trends in customer needs.
What you need to know about database performance software
(Craig S. Mullins) Database performance software identifies bottlenecks and points of contention, monitors workload and throughput, and manages system and DBMS resource usage.
A Checkup on IBM Watson Health
(Kent Milligan) It was almost five years ago that IBM Watson captured the attention of both techies and non-techies alike when it competed and won against human contestants on the Jeopardy! TV game show.