(Joe Pluta) Writing technical books is always a juggling act between depth and breadth. Unless you’re writing a 2,000-page Microsoft tome, there’s no way you can provide both complete coverage and enough detail to be a complete reference.
Tag: IBM
Are You Falling Behind?
(Mike Cain) Increasingly, we are finding that IBM i installations are falling behind. In many cases, perilously so…
The End of DB2?
(Ludovic Janssens) ACID transactions have been a standard for databases since the seventies. The standard requires transactions to have the following properties:
IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS: An Introduction
(Keith Winnard, Gary Puchkoff and Hiren Shah) This IBM Redpaper publication introduces you to IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS. The paper was written to coincide with the announcement of IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS and the software is not yet generally available (GA)
The Tao of DB2 – Part 9: The Five R’s
(Craig S. Mullins) The last time we checked in on our experienced DBA and his young intern the lesson was focused on when to REORG. The intern was sent away to learn all about Real Time Stats and RUNSTATS. Let’s see how he is progressing…
Extend the Bluemix CLI Through Plugins
(Henrik Loeser) As much as I like nice graphical user interfaces (UIs) and working with the browser, for most tasks I prefer using the command line. I have done so and still do for working with DB2 and dashDB, I also use the Cloud Foundry (CF) Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage my Bluemix enviro
Integrate your on-premises apps with the cloud with WebSphere Connect
(Arthur De Magalhaes) With IBM WebSphere Connect, you can connect your IBM WebSphere Application Server apps and data to the cloud in minutes without rewriting apps or acquiring new data.
The clock is ticking for DB2 10
(laura) DB2 10 will cease to be supported by IBM from September 30th 2017. Those organisations who are still running DB2 10 now have less than a year to move off this release and upgrade to DB2 11
Basic DB2 Application Tuning Strategies
(Lockwood Lyon) Assume you’ve been given a directive by IT management to “tune” things. What strategies are available and how do you judge which ones are best? Considering the current economic climate, can any be implemented on a shoestring budget? Can any of these tasks be assigned to resources wit
TechTip: DB2 for i Optimization Strategies, Part 6
(Michael Sansoterra) In this final installment of this DB2 for i coding series, I’ll discuss two items. First, I’ll examine a reason why a query that once performed well when it was first written might become lethargic as time passes.