(Benedict Fernandes and Kyle Brown) When teams adopt cloud technologies, they often blithely toss out the term workload in technical and project planning discussions. The problem is that this term means different things to people with different roles, leading to disagreement and improper expectation
Tag: IBM
DB2 12 for z/OS Tools: What’s Improved
(Troy L Coleman) Following up on last week’s DB12 for z/OS announcement, I want to discuss the supporting tools, which include the DB2 utilities.
How to restrict number of active database in DB2?
(Vinay Kumar Bommana) Hello Welcome to DB Tutorials. We are going to look at “how to restrict number of active database in DB2?”
SQL 101: Tools of the Trade – Old, Reliable STRSQL, Part 1
(Rafael Victoria-Pereira) Perhaps the most used (and certainly the oldest) tool to execute SQL statements is the green-screen Start Interactive SQL Session command, STRSQL. This command is somewhat similar to the QCMD command in the sense that it provides similar function keys.
DB2Night Show #z73: Justified Big Data Performance transforms your business
(Martin) 100% of our studio audience learned something!Dave shared information on the IDAA with techniques to justify its savings as well as workload tuning tips to take better advantage of the IDAA. A must-see!
Who Knew You Could Do That with RPG IV? Modern RPG for the Modern Programmer
(Rich Diedrich, Jim Diephuis, Susan Gantner, Jeff Minette, Jon Paris, Kody Robinson, Tim Rowe and Paul Tuohy) Application development is a key part of the IBM i businesses. The IBM i operating system is a very modern robust platform to create and develop applications. The RPG language has been aro
RabbitMQ lacks transaction capability
(Roman Kharkovski) Not all messaging products deliver the same qualities of services. For example, RabbitMQ does not support transactional handling of messages. This inevitably leads to lost and duplicate data, which may not be a big deal in a monitoring dashboard where few missed or duplicate messa
How TO troubleshoot ADM8010E Backup was unable to copy requested log file
(Jack Vamvas) During a recent review of backup failure exceptions this error message appeared:
Integrate IBM API Connect and WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
(Sally Fikry and Chris Phillips) The API economy is the transformation driven by connected devices and consumer thirst for compelling brand experiences. APIs act as the digital glue that links services, applications and systems by exposing enterprise services to consumers. At the same time, service-
DB2 Web Query Monitoring and Audit Reports
(Doug Mack) If you’re still using Query/400 heavily in your shop, you probably have come across times where it would have been really nice to know information about those reports, such as: