By Naveen Balani – XML has emerged as the accepted standard for data interchange over the past few years. DB2 XML Extender integrates the power of IBM’s DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) with the flexibility of XML. This tutorial introduces DB2 XML Extender and shows you how to set up DB2 to support
Tag: IBM
DB2 Gets Cube Smart
by Mark Leon – IBM claims to have taken some of the pain out of online analytic processing (OLAP) with a new piece of software called Cube Views that adds OLAP administrative and performance-enhancing functions to DB2, IBM’s relational database.
Download: Get statistics for nicknames
DB2 Information Integrator enables your applications to query and retrieve data located on other sources. To help the federated optimizer make better decisions, you can use these utilities to gather statistics on relational and nonrelational nicknames.
Saved by the APAR or How to Use IBM’s Self Help Web Support
IBM’s Self Help Web Support is a great starting point for finding answers about DB2 database software. Marin Komadina shares tips on getting the most out of this resource.
Database Servers Making Evolutionary Progress
By Timothy Dyck – Since we performed our comparative database server performance tests, there’s been incremental change in the products but no big shifts in any server’s design or market presence. IBM’s DB2 8.1 has superseded Version 7.2, and the 8.1 release supports many more online configur
Understanding Digital Asset Management
By Bernard Chester – The world of unstructured information management uses a number of different approaches, often with similar technologies, based on the target user and the problem to be solved. Document management (DM) and content management (CM) handle file-based information (often from scanning
A Primer on Content Manager V8 on DB2 UDB
The IBM DB2 Content Manager family of products is a scalable, extensible, high performance solution that provides the features and functions to meet information integration requirements. This paper describes IBM DB2 Content Manager for MultiPlatforms V8.1 key concepts and data flow, and also discuss
WebSphere, DB2 Get the Power
By Brian Proffitt – Linux has been available for IBM’s Power architecture for some time, but until recently, there has not been an abundance of Power-ready applications for the 64-bit platform. That, however, all changed, with the announcement of WebSphere, DB2, and Tivoli Security availability for
Configuring IBM DB2 Information Integrator to Access Diverse Data
This new tutorial shows you how to set up access to the data sources from your DB2 federated database using the DB2 Control Center with IBM DB2 Information Integrator.
Briefs: IBM DB2, IMS manageability tools; Verio’s free migration services program
by Stephen Swoyer – IBM products help manage DB2 and IMS environments; Verio program offers three months of free Web hosting plus migration services to an NTT/Verio data center.