By Laura M. Haas – Knowing there’s an integration solution that works for the even most complex life sciences problems may help you rest easier, too.
Tag: IBM
Installation prerequisite for Query Patroller, Version 8
Installation prerequisite information for Query Patroller Version 8 with DB2 UDB Version 8.
Protecting DB2 against Non Concurrent Application Code
DBAs have learned that performance of an application can be influenced by many factors, which in turn can influence database performance. In this article, Marin Komadina explores a real-world example of an application with a locking problem.
DB2 System Performance Metrics Revisited
By Joel Goldstein – DB2 is a complex database management system that has a major impact upon your overall processing environment. Installations are constantly looking for ways to measure, analyze, and control its resource consumption. It addresses the origins and data available for analyzing, tuning
Postfix Attack
by Noel Davis – Welcome to Security Alerts, an overview of recent Unix and open source security advisories. In this column, we look at problems in Postfix, DB2, stunnel, OpenSSH, up2date, eroaster, wget, xfstt, xpcd, pam-pgsql, xtokkaetama, and Half-Life.
Apache Web Development with IBM DB2 for Linux
By Roger Midgette – Learn to develop Web applications using database programming interfaces with IBM DB2 for Linux. This tutorial covers the steps required to use either PHP, Perl, or Python languages with DB2 for Linux and Apache. This tutorial helps you do the following:(R)
Information on Demand
By Holly Hayes and Nelson Mattos – Here’s how to do it without breaking the bank — or your developer’s backs.
Develop a Websphere MQ and Visual Studio .Net app
DB2 UDB has great integration with WebSphere MQ messaging. Learn how to use the DB2 Development Add-ins for Visual Studio .NET to build an order application.
DB2 and the Need for Speed
By Joel Goldstein – Simply stated, DB2 response time is never fast enough unless it’s sub-second. IBM has said that productivity improves by 100% when improving response time from 2 seconds to less than one second. Joel’s presentation reviews what you can do to achieve better response times.
IBM boosts Linux offerings
By Ellen O’Brien – Demonstrating its commitment to Linux and increasing its continuing head-to-head competition with Oracle Corp., IBM announced the DB2 Integrated Cluster Environment (ICE) for Linux and extended support for the open-source platform.