I’m pleased to have the opportunity to address you all. IBM’s long-standing relationship with IDUG and DB2 regional user group members is a key ingredient behind our ability to stay current with our customer’s changing needs and to deliver new and innovative technology solutions. Your feedback and c
Tag: IBM
Tips for Installing Fix Pack 3 on DB2 UDB V8.1 for Windows
By Paul Zikopoulos – Installing Fix Pack 3 for DB2 UDB on a Windows server that has multiple DB2 products installed? Here are some important tips.
Examples of SQL for DB2, part 1
Can you give examples of SQL for DB2–such as in PL/SQL for Oracle where they have if, then…else…begin…end, etc–or references where I can find more info?(R)
Simulating Massively Parallel Database Processing
By Martin P. Lurie – Massively parallel processing (MPP) holds the key to making many inexpensive computers work together to solve a large problem. Some problems are very difficult to break into pieces and farm out to a cluster of machines. We are fortunate that relational databases lend themselves
XQuery and SQL: Vive la Différence
By Ken North – Sometimes SQL and XML documents get along just fine. Sometimes they don’t. A new query language is getting everything talking again.
Developing DB2 UDB Stored Procedures with the Visual Studio .NET Add-In
This tutorial provides a basic introduction to using the DB2 UDB Development Add-Ins for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to build a SQL stored procedure.
IBM Forges Ahead With Linux Plans
By Peter Galli – The current legal brouhaha between IBM and The SCO Group is not preventing Big Blue from moving forward with its Linux product offerings, support and services. IBM will announce a new server; a DB2 Linux integrated clustering environment; extended Linux support for the Lotus
DB2 Backout Point-in-Time Recovery
There are many options available to recover tablespaces and indexes to a previous point in time. However, when tablespaces and indexes are undamaged, alternative solutions are available.
IBM expands availability, improves ICT messaging client
By Kate Evans-Correia – IBM has expanded the availability of its IBM Community Tools (ICT), an experimental messaging project that could eventually make its way to market. ICT is a messaging client, hosted on an iSeries 820, that combines the technologies from WebSphere MQ Event Broker, IBM L
Accessing DB2 UDB Using the Globus Toolkit and OGSA-DAI
Interested in experimenting with grid technology with DB2 UDB? This article contains instructions for setting up and accessing IBM DB2 UDB through the open source grid technologies OGSA-DAI and Globus Toolkit.