By Timothy Dyck – eWEEK and sister publication PC Magazine early last year published results of a comparative performance test of database servers. It had been almost a decade since either publication had performed a similar test, so we expected significant interest in the story.The actual r
Tag: IBM
DB2 Developer’s Guide
Book by Craig S. Mullins – DB2 performance techniques for applications programs! This book explains the development environments of DB2. “Includes many tips and experience-based techniques. Discusses encoding efficient SQL, monitoring, and tuning DB2 performance”. Covers Version 2.3.
Database Servers Making Evolutionary Progress
By Timothy Dyck – Since we performed our comparative database server performance tests, there’s been incremental change in the products but no big shifts in any server’s design or market presence. IBM’s DB2 8.1 has superseded Version 7.2, and the 8.1 release supports many more online configur
Learning Guide: DB2 basics for Oracle and SQL Server DBAs
By Sara Cushman – DB2 took top honors in some DBMS market share reports this year, which means many companies may have already, or will soon be, switching over to IBM’s brand of data management.
Faster Federated Queries with MQTs
By Dan Gibson – Materialized query tables in DB2 UDB v.8.1 can cache remote data on your local DB2 instance.
IBM’s problem determination tutorials
Check out this tip from by Barrie Sosinsky! (R)
IBM Digs Deeper for Data
By Lisa Vaas – IBM has launched work on a research and development project that promises to extend the reach of its DB2 Information Integrator software until it can dig out data from every corner of an enterprise, whether inside or out of data warehouses, IBM Distinguished Engineer and Director of I
Application Development Experiences with PHP and IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8
By Clara Liu – This article shares the author’s experience in developing a PHP application that accesses data in IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8 on Linux. This sample application, called EFORM, is an online training evaluation tool. The article reviews the application framework and the developm
Collaboration tools enable groups to communicate in a virtual world
By Michael Dougherty – The information age is on the verge of becoming the inundation age. Separating the valuable information from the less useful is one of the biggest challenges most workers face today. But they shouldn’t have to personally separate the wheat from the chaff. Instead, tools should
IBM seeks to expand data management platform
By Paul Krill – IBM’s labs are at work on a number of improvements to IBM’s DB2 data management platform, focusing on data warehousing and integration as well as on autonomic, or self-managing, computing systems, company officials said on Thursday.