By Howard Fosdick – When it comes to DB2 certification, take a tip from The Beatles and look for a little help from your friends. Professional friends are some of the best certification resources.
Tag: IBM
IBM DB2 Universal Database Porting Guide: Oracle to DB2 Version 7.2
By Bill Wilkins – A common requirement for database applications is to have them run on multiple database servers. The objective of this document is to help you port Oracle applications to DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB). This document is written primarily for application developers who want to con
Achieving Breakthrough Performance for IBM DB2 Universal Database
SmartDBA from BMC Software keeps your DB2 UDB databases running at peak availability, so you can get on your way to faster, more efficient data management. Learn more in this complimentary E-Book, featuring Scott Hayes.
DB2 UDB for OS/390 Performance – The Basics
By Joel Goldstein – This presentation reviews the whats, wheres and whys of DB2 performance.
BMC Software® and GoldenGate Software Form Alliance
BMC Software. Inc. and GoldenGate Software announced a sales, marketing and technology alliance. The alliance enables BMC Software to extend its SmartDBA data management portfolio with the addition of GoldenGate’s data synchronization capabilities, creating the industry’s first complete data managem
Five Performance Rules for Developing DB2 Web Applications With C# Builder
By Glenn Stephens – Speed. Scalability. These are the mantras of Internet development and they are not necessarily difficult to achieve. Applying a few simple rules can mean the difference between a slow or fast Internet application. In this article, you will learn five rules for developing fast Mic
Integrating with DB2 XML Extender
By David Beulke – As system integration and exchanging data with business partners becomes increasingly important, XML and data types such as character large objects (CLOBs), LOBs, and user-defined types (UDTs) become important standards. DB2 easily integrates unstructured data, XML, and other data
IBM mixes search into Masala data tool
By Martin LaMonica – The Armonk, N.Y.-based company said it will draw on its research project, called WebFountain, to let people search corporate databases in the same way they might search the Web. The feature will appear in the second version of DB2 Information Integrator, code-named Masala. The u
IBM And Borland Team To Take On Microsoft
By Charles Babcock – Borland’s C# Builder packages will now ship with IBM’s DB2 Universal Database System, while IBM will include C# Builder with all DB2 shipments.
IBM utility software on its way
By Stephen Shankland – IBM will release software at month’s end to let customers start sampling some of the promised benefits of Big Blue’s utility computing vision.IBM has begun showing off the new product, called Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator, which IBM acquired when it bought Think Dyna